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Dre L

Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2002
Reaction score
Orlando, FL
Okay, what in the hell was all that about?

This show seems to be all about the advertising potential. Amex has some gimmick at abc.com/lost , and then there's my personal favorite site below.
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Ya, that was a pretty weird episode, all I can think of is that they need Jack because he is a doctor. As far as Kate and Sauywer(sp), they are just going to dispose of them. I also think that their little civilization is starting to become inbred, so they might need more people for seeds. Haha.

What does everyone else think?

I need to spend a couple w/ends to watch season 1 & 2 to catch up to 3...I've not seen one single episode, but it's filmed in my home state. :p

How's THAT for a Magnum-PI follow-up? (Notice, I don't recognize the Hawaii "flops" they've come out with since...)
I didn't watch the first season, but heard people going nuts about it. So, I watched the season premier of season 2 and was hooked. It wasn't too tough to catch up (without watching season 1), but IMO it would be tough to catch up with everything that happened last season. Last night's show was bizzare to say the least, but one of those things that you can't walk away from.....

I did hear though that starting this season, they are going to start to develop the romance aspect more. Personally, I'm not too excited about this, but whatever. I guess If I had been stranded on an island for that long, I'd start needing some "romance" too.
Most people don't know that if you turn down the sound while watching the show and turn on Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon, everything will make sense.
I have watched this show for the first two seasons, and now I too am LOST. Very weird show, not sure where they are going with this. And yes way too many commercials, even with TiVo, it was a lot of fastforwarding :D
