OT: My escort battery light blinking

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Todd Z

Well-Known Member
4 wheel drive
2nd Gen owner
V8 Engine
Sep 21, 2003
Reaction score
Long Island, NY
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2n Gen Owner
Well, This started a while ago and I wiggled the wires and it went out, BUT to night it started again, and will not go out...

The light fades on and off, Not steady and at all different electrical loads and engine rpms..

Running volts are 14.25 Load are 13.92....

I do not have my amp meter..

The battery though when you shut the car off drops instantly to 12.6 volts and when you crank the car it dips to the 10V range...

I am thinking the battery is on its way out, but normally the light is a charging system issue or the alt.


Todd Z
Do you have any trouble starting it when the car sits awhile? (like overnight) If not, I would say it's probably the Alt. When I had my Grand Am, the Alt. went and the car would run till the Bat. went dead. After it sat awhile the Bat. would get a charge enough to go awhile again till I could get it to a place to get the Alt. replaced. (It happened on the way home to Pa from Ok when I was in the Army) Take it and get the Alt. checked if you can.;)
Todd, the way I know of to test if its the battery is leave the vehicle off and run something like a radio for about 20 minutes. If its the battery not holding its charge it should drain down and have trouble starting. But I would go with the alt for the light to be coming on._Ron
Year and engine? I am guessing it is a 1.9L. The first suspect is the battery. Sounds like that batter has a cell that is failing. That is the first I have heard of that problem with Escorts. They are usually rock solid.

Since you all don't live next door to me, as I wish you all did (!), take it to an Auto Zone

or Advance Auto. They will usually do a charging system/battery test for free.

This should isolate your problem.

Since you said your light (assuming 'charging light') fades off and on, I'm guessing, or

assuming that your alternator is working, at least, temporarily, the way it is supposed to.

Your battery may have a dead cell in it, and your alternator is working full time, which

it was NOT designed to do, to try to keep up with the additional load or demand of a

battery going bad. Again, more specific info on your particuliar vehicle would be so

much more helpful! I'm sure we would all be glad to help you troubleshoot your problem!!!

Also, any electrical mods/accessories you have done to it may help us be more accurate!
Bad alternator. If it is just coming on at high RPMs, the brushes are "floating" and not making good contact. If it is coming on during high loading, you probably have a rectifier on the way out.

Rebuilt alternator will fix it. Spend the money on a "guaranteed for life" rebuilt, like the durastart alternator from Autozone. The rebuilders (even for Ford) do crappy work, and it is not uncommon for a rebuilt alternator to fail relatively quickly.
I am looking more into it today, I did wiggle the aux connector again on the neg terminal of the battery and the light has not come on since... I think I will re do the bat terminals first and go from there...(eliminate that stupid connector)

The charging volts are 13-14.2 idle and high RPM.

it is a 97 2.0 L.... I did the head gasket a month ago... IT has a replacement bat and original alt...

I don't want to put a "ton" of money into the car So rather than just replace stuff I would like to try to diagnose it properly..

The battery held 11 volts with all the accessories on and me cranking the car with the fuel pump fuse removed.....

Tracknblack, This is ny, Nothing here is "free"... they are charging to test this stuff nowa days.. Bastards...

BUT my gut is telling me that the alt will go soon......

Thanks for your help...

Todd Z
Jeff Replied....

Well, SO far so good, On my escort there is an electrical connector that is part of the neg cable.. ( well it bolts to it)

I cut that connector out of there and replaced the terminal and the wire connectors....

The charging voltage went up slightly but the dash light is not on...

One of those connectors goes to a separate pin on the alternator, IT is for the dash battery light...

I guess it was corroded or coming loose...

We will see.....

Todd Z
Tom, it's running great. It is about to turn 2000 miles, and hasn't been to the shop yet. I think my first trip in my old ST was around 1500 miles, so I'm happy so far. Thanks for asking.