OT: Outsmart Best Buy, Circuit City...Save Hundreds on Electronics

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I've used the old trade-in bait and switch a couple of times for new cars. If dealers think they can get your trade-in at a low price they will usually offer you more off for the new vehicle. At the last moment I would tell them I decided not to trade-in my old car but still expect the price they quoted me on the new car.

I have no problem scamming scammers. :D
Managers at BB can/will get fired for that if anyone higher up finds out. It's called inboarding.

The only exception to that rule that I'm aware of is if you are purchasing an open box item.
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I know a few people who work at Best Buy who said this will not and does not work. Managers can't just take money off of the item simply because a person does not want to pay a certain price for a warranty.

On a car, yes, but on tv's or items where the price is set. I doubt it.

edit: Also, the warranty is not a carbon copy form. It is a trifold form that has a barcode on it. At the time of checkout, the form is scanned, the warranty shows up on your recipet as an item you are paying for, and you pay for all the items you are buying.

They dont set up the warranty after they put the items in your vehicle.....this article is quite rediculous if you think about it.
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I accidentally did this when I got my ST. I was gonna trade in my R32, but when I went to pick up my ST, I told them I wasn't going to trade the R in....ooppps. :D They were gonna give me a crappy trade in on my R32 when I know darn well I can get a good dollar out of it, especially with only 13k miles on her.
Actually, fmarano, I don't think the article is completely ridiculous.

I have saved money on a car, a $2000+ TV at Circuit City, and a washer and dryer at a now-defunct appliance store....all the same way, by negotiating a rock-bottom price for the item, then and even lower when I hemmed and hawed on an extended warranty and ultimately the price STAYed low when I bailed on the warranty.

The thing that this practice requires to work is that there are large ticket items sold by retailers and by sales people where the price is negotiable. Some places won't negotiate, but for those that do, this can work if the sales person sincerely thinks you are interested in the warranty. In order to work this counts on the sales person not reneging on their lowest price, and if they try to, the customer saying something like: "So that's bait and switch...or an illegal bundle", etc.

It works. Best Buy may have caught on, but the practice itself does work.

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Just go to HH Gregg and tell them you want a better price. I that with everything I buy at HH Gregg.

"I like this item and I want it"

"Sure no problem"

"I want a better price"

"How about I give you $20.00 off?"

"I know you can do better then that"

"Oh no sir, That is the lowest we can go"

"Oh, OK. I no longer want the item. I want a cheaper price"

"I will talk to the manager"

...a few minutes later...

"How does $40.00 off sound?"

"I want $60.00 off, but you made me a great deal. Lets split in down the middle to $50.00 off"

"We can do that"


"You are going to like this item"

"You know what, I want this pack of betteries too...for free"

"Sure, just let me ring it up for a penny"

Out the door I go with the item I want.

Works every time. Items like Top end TV's and appliances, you can get $100.00 or more off of. Small items like Cam corders and digital camera's you can get $20.00 off and sometimes even sale items.

The secret is be prepared to walk if you are unable to get the price you want to pay.

This is quite funny, and I didnt know this was a known 'trick' but I just did this exact same thing at Bestbuy here in Canada for my 52 Sharp Aquos.

The guy was all over me for the warranty, explaining why its smart to get it, I talked to him about it for a bit, and then got into the question of the TV was just too much. They dropped 650$ off this TV, and when I got up to the counter, I actually had changed my mind about the warranty, and she rung it through for the $650 off.

So it works!
