OT: Science Closer to Finding the Gay Gene

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They are among 1,000 pairs of gay brothers taking part in the largest study to date seeking genes that may influence whether people are gay.

I find the idea that the study is on a population of gay brothers wonky....why are they all brothers? Are there really 1,000 pairs of gay brothers? This doesn't go down the nasty incest path, which is more repulsive than other aberrations such as pedophilia, imo.

They do the study on brothers because of the similar makeup of their genetics. It allows them to more easily isolate genetic differences. "Identical" twins are the ideal situation for such studies. (Actually, the true ideal is identical twins who are raised in separate families--it best allows isolation of differences.)
Right, BillV, but I would hope that we would attempt to alter the genetic makeup of people with the "fat gene" assuming it exists, rather than abort them.

Or to use Caymen's example, we would never get to the point were we abort a fetus because it has the "red hair" gene; though that could spare the child the "red on the head like a di¢k on a dog" songs later in life.

I would hope that we would attempt to alter the genetic makeup of people with the "fat gene" assuming it exists, rather than abort them.

I would hope so too--but I suspect that it will happen someday in the not too distant future--particularly if the means to alter the gene either aren't up to speed with the means to detect it, or are cost-prohibitive compared to the detection cost.
TJR, I have absolutely no idea what "songs" you're talking about....

I'd believe in a gay gene before I believe in a fat gene. The fat gene just sounds like an excuse for lazy people to continue their ways of gluttony.
I'd believe in a gay gene before I believe in a fat gene. The fat gene just sounds like an excuse for lazy people to continue their ways of gluttony.


I was thinking the researchers in this study are trying to find a way to justify homosexuality.

I know a few people who just made "a choice" after a bad relationship with the opposite sex. In fact, one of my brother's ex-girlfriends did this.
Bisexualism makes you still gay.

To quote Carlos Mencia in his "you're gay if" rant, "and lastly, if you're Bisexual--You're Gay."

Making a choice to go with only the same sex means that you are just gay by choice, and aren't gay "by genetics".

Well, you've found a gay 'Gene' here. I am not a pedophile and don't personally know anyone who is. Unfortunately, in many cases the gay label automatically assumes pedophiles, flamers, drag queens, promiscuous and indiscriminate sex among other things that I find repulsive.

I didn't have a choice in this matter, I remember knowing 'something' all the way back to elementary school, although I didn't know what that 'something' was at the time. The only real choice I had was when to stop hiding it once I figured out what that 'something' was and look for what made me happy in life. Does that mean that you'd be able to peg me as gay if you worked with me or saw me walking down the street? Doubtful. Does that mean I'd tell you if I was gay if you asked? Possibly but probably not. It comes down to is that something that you really need to know? Will it make a real difference in either of our lives?

I have mixed feelings about finding a 'gene' as it does give more credibility to being born that way, however it could also place a huge label on that person and like others have mentioned it could lead to aborting or unnecessary treatment in some form. I personally don't equate it to Down Syndrome or similar disorders as I'm able to function 'normally' (as normal as humans can be anyway) without any disabilities in everyday life. That may not true for all gay people though. ;)

I'm not going to try and convince you homosexuality is right or wrong and given most controversial issues on this website, I am somewhat surprised this thread hasn't gotten side tracked and turned into that debate. But life should be about being the best that you can, pursuing happiness and loving those close to you whoever that may be among other meaningful things.

Oh and I used to be a fat 'Gene' too!! :D But then I discovered exercise and eating healthier.
Good post, Gene. Very funny ending as well. :D

Before I joined the military, I worked with a lot of gay and lesbian people. Most were just every day normal people. Some people feel threatened about this lifestyle. Perhaps they are insecure in their own situation and it makes them uncomfortable.

If it turns out there is a gene, it would probably make some parents accept their childrens' lifestyle more easily. After all, it would be inherited from them.
Well, you've found a gay 'Gene' here. I am not a pedophile and don't personally know anyone who is. Unfortunately, in many cases the gay label automatically assumes pedophiles, flamers, drag queens, promiscuous and indiscriminate sex among other things that I find repulsive.

I have read somewhere that a gay man is no more likely to be a pedophile then a straight man is. In some cases, a gay man is less likely to play with kids than a straight man is.

Gene, you are proof that being gay is not a choice, but a fact of life for you. You did not choose to be that way, that is the way you are.

You are a human being that deserves to be treated fairly with all the rights and benefits any other American has. The government should NOT stand in your way in your pursuit of happiness.

I have read somewhere that a gay man is no more likely to be a pedophile then a straight man is. In some cases, a gay man is less likely to play with kids than a straight man is.

Gene, you are proof that being gay is not a choice, but a fact of life for you. You did not choose to be that way, that is the way you are.

You are a human being that deserves to be treated fairly with all the rights and benefits any other American has. The government should NOT stand in your way in your pursuit of happiness.


Thanks for sharing with us Gene....

Todd Z
Gene's post could be taken as evidence that queers drive Sport Tracs! :lol: That thought should sober up some of the bigots who might be site members! :lol::p:lol:

I read an article that had some good evidence that the determination and rate of sexual orientation is nearly identical to the rate of left-handedness. I don't remember it all, but it made a whole lot of sense to me that orientation is determined genetically or by some other involuntary factor.

As a left-hander, I have suffered much discrimination and trouble in life--things that I didn't even realize until it was pointed out to me that made my life a little more difficult.

I figure we all have lots of conditions like this that can cause us varying levels of stress, and I sure don't think there are any "perfect" human beings in this world. (Well, there was one perfect human being, but they crucified him 200 years ago.)

To me, the whole point of all of this is that NONE of us are "perfect" (whatever that means), and that it does little good to point out all the differing traits of each other. What we ought to be doing is figuring out how we can get along and work together to make this world a better place and to help each other along in life.

I am getting kind of rambly this morning (no coffee yet), so I guess I better quit typing lest someone points out that I am not conforming to some ideal of the forum poster.

Gene--Thanks for your post. May God bless you a bit extra today for your courage and sharing. Also, may all our Tracs shine and run flawlessly, and stay out of danger today!
Caymen says:
I have read somewhere that a gay man is no more likely to be a pedophile then a straight man is.

The child sexual molestation statistics show otherwise. A white, heterosexual male between the ages of 20 and 40, molesting and/or otherwise sexually abusing a pre-teen girl is far and away the most dominant profile of a pedophile....sadly.

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Kevin L says:
I'd believe in a gay gene before I believe in a fat gene. The fat gene just sounds like an excuse for lazy people to continue their ways of gluttony.

So I guess you don't know any two people that both seem to eat about the same and both seem to get the same amount of exercise and one is thin and the other is fat?

You don't know anyone like that?

I know a lot of people like that.

Sure, there are fatties out there that are such because of overeating and lack of exercise...and they are no doubt the majority profile of those that are obese. But there are also thinner people that live the same way, eat the same way. Which one is defective isn't really the issue. The science is attempting to make it so that those that are prone to be fat can be thinner without starving themselves and running a treadmill 2 hours a day.


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