Full auto firearms are a different issue altogether but then we don't have to worry about them because they are heavily regulated and very expensive keeping them out of the hands of the average legal gun owner or criminal.
True and false. Expensive? Yes, for law-abiding citizens. Well Regulated? Yes, for law-abiding citizens. Keeping them out of the hands of criminals? Not entirely.
I own an AK-47 - semi-auto of course. Without doing my part to give more ammo to gun grabbers, let's just say that it won't take much for a criminal to take what I have and make it full-auto... rifle and all for under $400.... but it is AN ILLEGAL act to build a full-auto unless you are a Class 7 firearms manufacturer with either government (military) or LEA (law enforcement agency) sponsorship. There are firearms that can be converted to full-auto much easier that an AK (see MAC-10, no longer in production because of this ability).
I own 10 firearms, three of which are semi-auto rifles, and (2) of the three are specifically called out in HR1022 (the "new" assault weapons ban in congress as we speak):
1) M1 Garand - 8-shot semi-auto 30-06 WWII infantry rifle
2) AK-47
Given the opportunity, I would definately own a Fully Automatic rifle or handgun. Why? Because I can. That's the beauty of our 2nd amendment. I am currently considering the building of a M1919A4 Browning belt-fed semi-auto tripod-mounted rifle. Why? Because I can. If I had the cash, a semi-auto MG42 (Hitler's Zipper) would be in my house. Why? Do I need to repeat?
I don't own guns just to own them. I sport-shoot, target shoot, etc with them. None of my firearms have been used in the commission of a crime or injured anyone (besides me) while I have owned them.
Guns are not bad. I have never seen a gun that under it's own power loaded a round, aimed, fired and injured or killed someone. Sorry, it's an inanimate object. It would be like saying that your Sport Trac filled up on gas, got on the highway then did a head-on with another vehicle all on it's own. Can't do it.
Personally, I don't care if you want to own a particular firearm, or any firearm. That's up to you. I personally am making every effort to own a version of every firearm used during WWII. Currently, I have (5).... M1 Garand, M91/30 Mosin Nagant, M44 Mosing Nagant, 7.62 Nagant Revolver and Turk 38 Mauser. This leaves me a bit shy of 20 main-line rifles and 7+ main handguns away.
Just remember, if politicians can say that "you can't own that rifle", then using the same lunacy with Global Warming (such a farce) they can say "you can't own a Sport Trac or any other SUV". They can and they will if we let them, hence the 2nd amendment, keeping the rest of our freedoms ours.