OT: Uproar over "Illegal Alien" Halloween Costume

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Too funny. The one woman says, punish the criminals but leave those that work alone. If you jumped the border, then you are a criminal.

I see nothing offensive with that costume.

The wife and I saw this, and thought it was stupid. Just by looking at the picture, we couldn't figure out what the big deal was. Till we read the story and read that the words "Illegal Alien" were printed on the suit.

She and I thought it was funny. It was funnier still to learn that some retailers are now stocking the same suit, but with a "green" card to make them legal!

I cant see what the big deal is. If this is that big of a deal, then shouldn't clowns, overweight people, cross dressers, morticians, and a whole slew of other 'groups' sue to make sure thier costumes aren't used?
i don't see what the big deal is either. people need to start growing sets...i think that costume is pretty funny.

Too funny. The one woman says, punish the criminals but leave those that work alone. If you jumped the border, then you are a criminal.

hahaha i was thinking the same:lol:
People are so touchy these days. Back in the day.....way back, the "go-to" costume was "The Bum". Basically, we would be decked out as a homeless guy and go begging for candy.

Maybe we were ahead of the times or just teaching by example.

Whatever......it was a cheap costume and everyone knew what you were.

Wow, these people gave into pressure from people who don't even belong in this country?

What are they going to do to you? It's not like they have any rights, and it's not like they're going to actually be the ones buying your costumes anyhow. These people need to man up already.

There is nothing offensive about this costume. Many illegals can't speak a lick of English, let alone read it, so if some weak-willed self-hating ivory towered wuss hadn't told them about it to get them in an "uproar", this never could have happened.

"They're trying to bring political correctness to a joke". That's where all PCness starts, and it just grows from there. Just think of all the jokes that we "can't" tell any longer

Illegals can't vote (allegedly), so how can anything pertaining to them be Politically correct?


Unfortunately, it isn't the illegal aliens who were offended by this -- it is people who insist on sticking their nose where it doesn't belong and getting offended for them.