Thomas Rogers
Well-Known Member
I know this topic came up before and a lot of FUD was bantered around, so, here is some more fud...
re: OT: Windows XP Performance Myths by Me,3/8/2006 14:40 CT
All I can say is I have loaded WinXP on several computers and the better, faster more upgraded computer will run XP flawlessly. I have loaded XP on some older slower computers and it did run but you sure didn't want to sit there and wait on it. Not to mention the size of XP itself will eat up a lot of space on older hard rives. Like the article states one of the keys to a good running machine is RAM, much more important than processor or hard drive speed.
I've loaded and ran XP on a laptop with only a 300mhz processor and 256mb ram. It runs just fine, as long as you have some patience when booting it up.