Ouboard Motor Question

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Gerry Mac

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2006
Reaction score
Winnipeg, MB
I have recently acquired a "new to me" boat. It has a 90 HP Mariner outboard. Under normal load this guys jumps and goes. Under heavy load ie: tube or skier the motor screams but doesn't do much at all. Seems almost like there is a clutch slipping or something. I am not familiar with this motor yet but guess some of you may be. Question is:

Is there in fact a clutch assembly and if so where is it and is it a major expense to replace. Yes, I am handy with tools and do all my own non-warranty automotive work

Gerry Mac
Gerry Mac,

You local library should have repair manuals for your motor. Read through it. They really help.

Sounds like a spun hub to me too. Ok under normal conditions but starts slipping under load. A prop shop should be able to fix you up. This is not a job you can do yourself. If you have a spare prop, try it and see if there is still a problem.

If not the prop hub, then maybe the prop is the wrong size or pitch, but this is not usually as pronounced of a probelm as a prop hub that is slipping.
