Pet Peeves - We All Have Them

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It's called a "gerund". It's perfectly acceptable word usage. Look it up.

"The car needs washing" is colloquial speech. In addition, a gerund is an "action noun." In many instances, using the gerund form of a noun is poor English. Instead, a more concrete term is appropriate. In my example, as I noted, a more appropriate form (but not best) is the passive voice "The car needs to be washed." The better form is the active voice "[Subject] need to wash the car." From years of training, the brain most easily deciphers S-V-O sentences, while sentences that make the brain search for the primary components are more difficult.
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People who forget they are not the only ones on the planet. You know, those who do not take into consideration how their actions affect other people. I have a neighbor like that.:angry:
An individual's use of the gerund form in spoken English is debatable at best. Despite our disagreement, "needs washing" or "needs [any verb]ing" remains highly colloquial and not worthy of print. That's why I strike it out of publications when wearing my law editor's hat.
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Just a few for me off the top of my head.

1) People who do not hand the cashier their money and just slap it on the counter and slide it over.

2) The person who HAS to use exact change when they have to dig for it. If it's right there in your pocket or you have a specific spot ok...but to sit your purse down and start rummaging...give me a break.

3) People who will either go out to eat or shopping etc. when they are in a hurry and get pissed off when the service isn't completely on top of it. I understand we all have schedules, but the person waiting in a line to eat who states how big of a hurry their in and to hurry up wigs me out!

4) People who reply to email at the BOTTOM of the entire response. Seriously, why do I have to scroll all the way past what we've already discussed to read the new?

5) Someone who replies to an email and deletes everything but their responce and then references something mentioned earlier.

And one last one...

6) The chicken dance :p
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Irregardless (not a word, the word is regardless)

Aksed (I aksed for more pie)

I could care less (well, I couldn't care less what you think)

Used in a sentence: I could care less that you aksed for a piece of pie, irregardless of your weight.
Jackasses who throw cigarette butts out their car windows (I have a golf ball waiting for their grill)

Youth coaches who are in it to live vicariously through their son/daughter & team and win at all costs rather than to teach the game (fundamentals/fun), values and sportsmanship. Things that will help the kids through life rather than something that makes him/her (coach & player) feel good right now.

People who brake before they signal - "Hey jerky, let me know WHY you are braking."

People who cause gridlock.

Joe Morgan.

Joe Theismann.

Tim McCarver.

Lock the three of them in a room and soon enough they will use up all the oxygen pontificating about themselves and the 'good ole days' and they will all expire, making the sports world a little more tolerable.

Nancy Grace. Who's idea was it to turn this chick loose on society? She is the male version of Geraldo Rivera.

Soccer moms. (some are more tolerable if they are MILFs)

Soccer moms who feel they need to drop their kid off at school rather then let the kid ride the bus and causing more traffic around all the schools. When I went to school I think 98% of the kids rode the bus, now it seems like 50%. Is this an Atlanta thing? It's a pain in the ass is what it is.

Baseball hats worn tilted to one side or the other. Respect the game even if you cannot play and wear it straight. The fact CC Sabathia wears his crooked and just won the Cy Young is not going to help.

Sack/tackle dances - act like you have done it before and will do it again, get your ass back to the huddle and get ready for the next play.

Home run "actions" (hands in the air, spin move, hops, etc) - act like you have done it before and will do it again, get your ass around the bases and get the game moving.

Telemarketers (No call list is so sweet)

Bad websites (from a usability standpoint)

People you know from when you were younger who then go into Insurance, 'financial planning' or real estate and then try to hit you up for their services. Usually these are people you could care less about when you were growing up (a nice way of saying you did not really like them).

SPAM (not the food)

That's enough for now although there are many, many more.


My peeve is HYPOCRICY. I have an intense hatred for people and lately politicians, who are complete hypocrites. HERES THE DEFINITION:

A pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess.

Do I dare go into a tirade? If I were granted one wish from a Genie, it would be to slap our top politicians, and bought off radio pundits in the face (like pretty hard) and to make them wear a scarlet letter "H" on thier lapels for the rest of thier lives.

Cheney, Bush, Delay, Limbaugh, OReilly, Rumsfeld (he gone) Frist, Rove, Bolton, Hannity, Coulter...all of the jerks who portray a certain Faux/neo conservative attitude, while doing or mandating the opposite. I want to say that almost every single one of them has not served in our military either. Cads, every one.
People who are flying on Private Aircraft that cost 30-40 million and complain that they delivered the wrong salad dressing for their salads even though the lobster and steak arrived in time and cooked properly.

People who think they deserve to be treated in a special manner then turn around and treat others like crap.

People that need to win so badly that they will download aim bots (helps someone get a head shot for a one shot kill) or esp hacks (shows where the other players are located even if they are behind walls or other objects) for first person shooter internet based games so that they always come in first.

Racist coments from anyone.

Drivers that will not let you merge onto a highway.

Drivers that will not let you off of a highway.

Drivers that like to tailgate.

Drivers that like to cut you off.

Drivers that will not let you merge onto a highway.

Never mind the fact that the guy merging onto the highway has to yeald to the guy on the highway and the guy on the highway is not required to let anyone on the highway. That driver has the "right-of-way".

Drivers that will not let you off of a highway.

Plan ahead and read the previous comment. :)

When I'm locked in on cruise control on the highway and some idiot who can't control his speed keeps passing me so he can get in front of me, then slowing down so I have to pass him again. Here in Florida, it's a damn epidemic.

People on cell phones in supermarkets who insist on having a complete conversation with someone at home about which soap/deodorant/salad dressing to buy instead of just making a list.

Airlines. Everything about them, from the pointless pricing structure that changes at a whim to the abysmal customer service.

Never mind the fact that the guy merging onto the highway has to yield to the guy on the highway and the guy on the highway is not required to let anyone on the highway. That driver has the "right-of-way".

That actually varies from state to state.... So that makes it even worse...

Also sit back and think of all the things YOU do that might annoy other drivers, just because we think it is correct...

Todd Z


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