Planning a trip to the U.S.

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Craig Martin 2

Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
Hey guys. I'm planning on a trip to the U.S. in the next two to three months....I'm going to be crossing at Niagara falls. My question is, what store in or near Niagara falls would carry a curt hitch for a good price. Everything up here is around 179 plus for a hitch. If I can save 80 bucks by getting it down there that would help a lot. If you live in the area and know of a place let me know! I may end up going in December to do some Christmas shopping.

I don't know, but I think you could find a place in Buffalo, NY. Try looking up the hitch you want on Google by addin Buffalo, NY to the search criteria and you should show you the various distributors.

You may want to pick out a store, and see if they stock your hitch or how long it would take to order it and have it ready for you to pick up...they may even be able to make an appointment in advance to install it for you while you wait.

Maybe have this sent to a relative or friend? Seems like a decent price w/ shipping. GL
Lol Gavin yeah if I could I would....Well I could but going across the boarder might poise a big problem lol

Rich I think that might be the best idea. If it's installed there I won't have to claim it at the least I don't think it'll be a problem.

swshawaii, I don't know anyone close to the boarder that could do that for me... I wish I did though lol

Yes, I doubt that they check if your vehicle left Canada with a Trailer hitch and so they would not question the trailer hitch when you returned to Canada.

Wow, this much trouble to get a hitch into Canada. Too bad you aren't running tractor trailers of pot, cocaine, and children across the Mexican border. We'd be able to just say, "wear sunglasses and sunscreen."

But yeah, my first thought was just having it installed while you're here. Seems like that would be the least complicated way. Good luck.

Wow, this much trouble to get a hitch into Canada. Too bad you aren't running tractor trailers of pot, cocaine, and children across the Mexican border.

Way too much drama for a simple trailer hitch !

I don't think there is a black market on US trailer hitches smuggled into Canada..:grin:

He indicated that he was planning a trip here anyway and thought he might be able to save a few bucks on picking up a Curt hitch while he was here...Perhaps they don't export Curt hitches to Canada, or the cost may be significantly higher?

It was a comment on a working model of customs. Tongue in cheek, if you will. Certainly not meant to start a discussion on the topic. Sorry, I'm back in school and public administration is at the forefront of all my thoughts. I just thought it was funny that something seemingly so mundane would require a plan of action.

I have no doubt he will be able to get the hitch he wants without trouble. Is there a Summit nearby?
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Oh, and while you're in the states, swing by the Grand Canyon. It's awesome!

It was a comment on a working model of customs.

I understand your point, but wouldn't "A working model of customs" actually imply that the customs service is actually "working" :grin: Not based on the amount of drugs and illegals smuggled crossing the border here in Texas..... But wait, that's not Customs, that's the responsibility of the Border patrol, DEA and Immigration services???...Perhaps that's why it's not working. :grin:


That brings up another point of mine regarding redundant federal agencies...:btddhorse:

Kegger, also check out the cajun food and atmosphere in Louisiana. It's unreal!:grin:
It seems that Customs & border patrol are effectively the same government entity

[Customs & Border Protection] is one of the Department of Homeland Securitys largest and most complex components, with a priority mission of keeping terrorists and their weapons out of the U.S. It also has a responsibility for securing and facilitating trade and travel while enforcing hundreds of U.S. regulations, including immigration and drug laws.

Are Canadian Customs (outside of Quebec) strict? IME they're rather lax, but maybe that's just because of Canadian stereotypes, but the last time I went from NY to ON was pretty painless, and I even ended up having a mini-conversation with the Canadian customs agent about AMTRAK.

Quebec's customs involved a "thorough" vehicle and personal search, complete with almost an hour of questions (many of which were the same ones, worded slightly differently, asked in rather lacking English). I put "thorough" in quotes for while they claimed to have inspected "every nook & cranny" in the ST, and rifled through luggage, they missed some things I forgot I even had in the ST. I'm hoping that my experience with Quebec was simply because I was an American crossing in at a dreary, boring customs house, but the next time I have to go to Quebec I'll be sorely tempted to enter Canada in a different province and just drive into it.

I think Customs operates primarliy in shipping ports, international airports, and designated border crossings, while the Border Patrol monitors the wilderness areas along the border, particularly along the Mexican border.

I think Customs agents are more into looking at products or substances being brought into the country and where appropriate, collecting and import or customs taxes.

I think the Border Patrol is more interested in the security of the borders and monitor the border for individuals attempting to cross the border in any location not deemed to be an authorized border crossing. I do think that Customs and the Border Patrol have a lot of overlapping duties, especially along the Mexican border.

US Customs do not bother Canadians as much as Canadian customs bother returning Canadians. One of my sons friends "forgot" to declare some pricey car parts and they were found. He is now marked for a rubber glove search every time he crosses. Everyone now finds a way to not be in line near him.

No applogy needed, you did not start anything....Here sh*t just happens..:grin:

Allan may be right that the Canadian Customs may be a lot tougher on Canadians returning to Canada. If that's an issue for Keggar, be sure to declare the hitch when you return to Canada....and pay the customs's still probably cheaper than shipping it to Canada?

I used to live in Ann Arbor but work in Windsor, making the daily commute for nearly 6 months. Canadian Customs (going into Canada) were always very nice and professional. US Customs (reentering the US) were usually ******** and complete pricks.

I suspect that the country you are leaving does not care what you are taking out of the country, but the country you are entering is much more concerned about what you may be bringing into their country. Of course this did not apply to entering or exiting Communist countries (back in the Cold War/Iron Curtain/Berlin Wall era) :fire:

That's way it was in Europe. They wave you right on through if you were leaving, but they did stop and check you when you entered or reentered their country.

Getting back to the hitch. I dont know about the northern prices, but.

I have a hitch place here that will mount a curt on my st for $159+tax.

Maybe some research he can find something simular. No work involved.