Prayer in School

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I don't know what the fuss is all about, we used to pray in school all the time.

Dear God [by god we mean the supreme being which is known by different names], please don't let us get shot or stabbed in class today, and let me pass this exam. Amen.

Teachers didn't seem to mind as long as we through a novena their way, and kept our laser sights off them.
That's right. To each their own religion and prayer as well.

Well stated. Atheism, Agnosticism are both religions by the true sence of the word. You want God out of the schools why exactly? Does he scare you? Does the mere mention of His name threaten you? I am threatened by the sheer lack of respect and acknoligment of his awesome power and might.

I think the schools need both dicipline and religion. A healthy respect for at least the 10 commandments (common to both Judism and Christianity) would help the dicipline issue.

I graduated High School in 1996. That was not that long ago. I would have been scared to death of my parents if I messed around in school. Heck, most of the time my mom knew what I was doing before I did she was so well connected and involved with my school (another place that parents today are failing thier children). She also knew of certain classes I had where if she heard one thing about me, she would being to question the teacher because of how absolutely attrocious she was....

Today I hear all these stories of kids messing up, then getting "grounded" to their bedrooms to "think about it", but they still have the TV, computer, internet, cell phones, etc in their rooms. I didn't have a TV until I was 15. I didn't have a computer in my room until I went to college. If I messed up, I had no tv for a week. My wife was the same way and guess what... our kids will be too. No TV's in their rooms until probably 14. No computers in their rooms until about then unless it's for a short time for school-related projects. The Internet can and will be cut off as well. And don't forget that spanking does occur in my household. My two-year old daughter has already found out what happens if you don't listen. She gets plenty of warning and care is taken as we understand she is two and hasn't got everything figured out yet....

I was my parent's child. I am my daughter's father. No where in that statement does the word "friend" appear. Now that I am nearly 29 with a kid of my own, my parents and I are "friends" but I am still their child and respect them as such. If everyone would do that imagine the world we would live in.

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