Presidential Debates

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Dre L

Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2002
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Orlando, FL
Without getting into a contest about candidates, how does everyone feel about how the elections are manipulated? I'm getting a little tired of the whole "the media does not need to be unbiased, and does not need to accurately report the news" thing.

I'm beginning to trust foreign media more than my own hometown news. I hate that I need to read the same story 15 times from 15 agencies to form an accurate depiction of what happened.

Now we're picking and choosing which candidates get airtime, when all the mainstream candidates should be able to address the nation and get their points across.

ABC Now Considering Banning Ron Paul from Debates

by Anthony Wade Page 1 of 1 page(s)

January 2, 2008

The last article I did produced some stir, as it dealt with the decision by Faux News to ban Ron Paul from the upcoming presidential debate in New Hampshire. Most of the responses were supportive as this is a travesty. That any news agency, let alone a fake one, would purposefully try and influence the outcome of a presidential election has to be unacceptable for all Americans.

But toward the end of the comments I was attacked for "sloppy reporting" by a Mr. Westmiller, who claimed that Paul was not being excluded from the debates at all! Well, all is fair in propaganda I guess. Not only is Paul being excluded, as I correctly reported, but ABC may also be blacklisting him as well. Here is a link for those who ought to check their sources before accusing anyone of sloppy reporting:

ABC seems to be applying fairer standards but why can't the American people hear all the opinions? Paul is still leading in fundraising, so why exclude him? Fox’s lame excuse is they do not have enough room in their trailer...I kid you not. An alleged media giant can only afford a trailer that fits five candidates comfortably. They have enough room for Fred "I don't really want to be here" Thompson, who has been in for a month and has done NOTHING, but not for the top fundraiser in the pack.

We all know why there is such bias against Dr. Paul. It is because he represents something other than the script the other guys will be reading off of. He would have been the only GOP hopeful talking about NOT blowing up the world, true fiscal discipline, and restoring civil liberties. Can't have that on Fox where they pretend to report, but they have already decided. Instead now we will be regaled with tales from the five would be tyrants who all believe they can more efficiently bomb Iran. They will spin yarns about how we need them to protect us and how the democrats are all spineless wimps because they do not lockstep to the war drumbeats and thrashing of our civil liberties. Most important to Fox News of course, is that they get to present their view of the Republican Party unblemished. They get to present the neocon vision as the only articulated platform for the GOP. No more uncomfortable post-debate polls showing how Ron Paul handily defeated their host of war-mongering candidates. Sean Hannity will not have to exclaim how Paul backers somehow rigged a poll. Fox gets to draw the sharp delineation they have been seeking. It is either the big brave republicans or the wimpy ole democrats. Nothing in the middle folks, nope, nothing to see here. Move along and cast your vote for one of our pre-selected candidates.

I guess some might be confused as to why ABC has hopped along the un-American express? I mean, everyone knows Fox is biased but ABC is “mainstream”, right? WRONG. The corporate media is the corporate media. The true damage Fox does is to make other corporate media appear more central, when they are in fact just as in bed with the machine as Fox. ABC might cave quicker to pressure tho
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All the candidates suck. You can put lipstick on a pig and polish a turd all you want, but they are still a pig and a turd at the end of the day, regardless what network you are watching.
I just burned my voter reg. card.......doesn't matter who gets in, they still have to deal with Congress. I just get riled up when I learn how much money these Yahoo's spend on their trying to get the vote. I'm just looking forward to Bush getting out of office and some other poor slob having to try to clean up his mess. Just MO
desertfox'07, it is always someone else's mess,,,, just they way politics are. Although Bush may not be the guy for you, there will be 20 others that say he was great for them and the country.

It is all in the perspective that you on an individual basis look at it for the most part.

I am certain there are hundreds here at the site that feel the same way about Bill Clinton.

Just the way it is...
Coastie, your right on. Clinton should have taken Bin Laden into custody when he offered him. Some folks are so party stuck they fail to see the big picture of past historical events, that caused some of the mess we are or will be in.:huh:
The reason I'm so down on the Bush Admin. is a few years back, I had some Critical info regarding the HLS (Homeland Security) I contacted the White House and the FBI, but both turned the other "cheek".

I thought about taking my case to CNN, but that would have only givin info to people that don't need to know the Facts.

I agree Coastie, "it's all just politics" and it's the way it is, but sooner or later it's going to bite us in the @ss.

It (our foreign policy and lack of real intelligence in our intelligence agencies) has already biten us in the arse...remember 9/11?

HLS was simply closing the barn door after the horse already got out. HLS is a stopgap until we have the right programs and right agents in the field that can do things covertly. That will take several decades though and be reall cloak and dagger stuff when its in place. We will never know about the "wars" that get won in the future....I hope.

It's odd that the origional post only mention Ron Paul... how about Dennis K and Joe B who were treated the same way?

What the news article failed to point out is that in most debates, the debate itself is sponsored by the state Dem or Rep party or some political group who makes up the rules. Typically the broadcastors don't make the rules on who will be on stage. If it's an anchor doing the moderator job (such as Brit Hume), they will generally decide who gets what question and how in-depth the candidate can get (case in point is Brian Williams and how he let Hillary get away with one word answers such as Yes or No, but would not let Obama do the same).

All news outlets are biased in some way, it's a people business. Fox News (I believe) is the most central (and therefore viewed as a Right Wing in comparison) politically. NBC is by far the most left-leaning and have admitted as much. ABC is just left of Fox and CBS is just right of NBC. CNN is the Communist News Network (or Clinton News Network if you prefer).

The bottom line is the old addage of trust by verify. Don't rely on just One source. Personally, I use CNN, FNC, Rush/Hannity/Beck, Drudge and some websites to verify something, especially if it seems fishy.

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