quits on idle after driving

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Dec 28, 2005
Reaction score
Santa Maria, CA
My 2001 has started running rough (pulsing) after I come to a stop and put it in park, or it may quit. This does not happen while running in gear, at stoplights, etc. It seems to run fine and no symptoms while in gear. When starting the car it idles fine. The problem is only when you go from gear to park. Any ideas?
Fuel filter, air filter, or the IAC motor is bad....

If your motor is a job 2, I would clean the IAC motor...

Todd Z

Please define a "motor job 2" - sorry but I teach history, I'm handy around the house, but cars... If it's beyond my capabilities, where should I take it, and what should I tell them?

Please define a "motor job 2" - sorry but I teach history, I'm handy around the house, but cars... If it's beyond my capabilities, where should I take it, and what should I tell them?


Easiest way to till is to open the hood and look to find the motor oil fill tube.

If it is on the driver's side, it is a job 1 motor.

If it is on the passenger side, it is a job 2 motor.
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