Radio static

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Lorne Day

Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
Oakdale, CT
I'm getting static on the AM band. It only happens when moving and is speed sensitive (noticable at slow speeds). I've seen noise from poor cables, grounds, etc...but not like this.

Does anyone know what might put out noise that is drivetrain related?
Have you changed the Spark pug wires? What's on AM anymore? (just kidding) I actually listened to the USC/Texas game on ESPN Radio on AM last week on my way home at 11:30pm. Had static then also but didn't really pay attention to see if it was drivetrain related. Anything electrical can cause interference. Especially on AM settings.
I listen to the FAN 660 out of NYC. It can't be the plug wires 'cause it stops when the truck is stopped. As I slowly pull away from a stop or slow down I notice it changing accordingly.

No, I haven't changed the wires yet. That's on the summer list of bloody knuckles and nasty words jobs to do along with new plugs with antisieze.
Could be a bad ground on the Alternator. Instead of giving you the "high pitched" sound that goes with amped sound systems, it could be pulling the station reception. Also, is it an aftermarket system? if so make sure the Antenna plug is in secure. Good luck with the plug change this summer. When I did mine, my DNA was all over the pass. side of my ST.;)
My antenna mount was loose, the whole thing was rockin at the base of the antenna.

Popped off the plastic cover at the base with a knife, tightened 3 screws at the base with loctite.

It would static when i moved and the antenna rocked.
I used to have great Am reception, since my accident this summer it is terrible and most of the time I can't even listen to it. I am still fighting the repair shop, they insist they did

not do it, but they had to have done something while replacing the fenders and hood because the reception has been crap ever since. Hopefully i can get an answer sometime.
Any of you oldesters remember how good AM reception used to be in cars from the 60's and 70's? We used to regularly listen to clear broadcasts from over 300 miles away in the evenings, and local stations came in clearly for 60-75 miles away during the day.

Now it seems that local AM drops off after about 20 miles.

I guess it is the additional interference in the environment, or maybe radio stations have been forced to reduce their power? However, it sure seems that automakers are putting real junk in their AM radios these days.