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Donald Hall

Mar 25, 2001
Reaction score
Sebring, FL
wife and I went out to supper coming home stop at stop sign guy in lincoln towncar hit us.

what i can see is bumper bent down all the way across about 1.5 inches. hitch tilted down

and looks like frame is bent where hitch is bolted on. His front bumper hit hitch low{sould have had ball in and do more damage to him} going to ford tomorrow for estimate on damage. will let you all how much with pictures tomorrow.

P.S. man was 88 years old

Glad your ok.. I was hit the same way, the frame was fine, Just the bumper brackets where slightly bent and the adjustment of the bumper was pushed down..

Todd Z
I know I am going to offend some one,,,, but, I still feel at age 60 we need to re-take a physical driving test. Either every year or at the most every other year. Way too many accidents once we hit the senior citizen range
Say "Crumple Zones and "Frame Horns"...

Have your dealer put it on a 4-point frame machine to check it out,

but all should be fine. All newer vehicles are designed to withstand a

rear or frontal impact of about 5 to 15 miles per hour without serious

frame damage. And with all of these fools on the road, I can't say that

I'm not for testing every year!!!

Good Luck, Don...;)
I agree about people getting re tested... I ride a bike and all those old folks are my worst nightmare... had a few friends went down cause of red light idiots.

good luck with your delema...

You know our Governor has no control over the snowbirds living in Florida in the Winter. The senior citizens flock there and drive everyone nuts. It just can't be controlled, unless all States require tests for Seniors.

I nearly had two accidents myself today; both with Seniors. The first one was a guy in his huge Cadillac. He suddenly slammed on his brakes in front of me so that he wouldn't splash water on his freshly washed ride. Good test for my anti-lock brakes (they work great!).

The second was 30 seconds later in the parking lot. Another old guy just backed out of his space without looking. Nearly backed into my path, and then also into another car while I was stopped to let him out. :blink:
When I lived in PC(Panama city) in the early 90's the snowbirds were the biggest headache going. they would go 30 to 35 miles per hour and with all the red lights on 98, you were pretty much boned. I have seen quite a few *snowbirds* take out stop signs, run redlights and other things of that nature. I always try to give the old farts a lot of room.

Y'all have a good one

As soon as you mentioned Lincoln Towncar I knew the person had to be in their 80's or 90's.
Hope your Trac isn't silver. Mine was when it was rear ended in Dec. Heres a pic. The frame was bent and was lazer measured and put on a frame puller to straigthen. Everything is good as of now. [Broken External Image]:
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