Well-Known Member
I'm still all excited! I work nights. I was leaving the near by gas station in the company truck around 10pm earlier in the night. I came to the light to wait to turn left...when I noticed it. It went by me and pulled into the gas station next to the one I had just left from. I ALMOST SAID...SCREW IT...I'M GOING OVER TO CHECK OUT THE ST AND TALK TO THE LADY that got out to put gas into it. It had Conneticut plates. But I didn't. I was a good little girl and went back to work. So if your a memeber...saw ya in South Portland Maine!!!!!
Simliar...but not the same one. [Broken External Image]:Wish I had my camera phone. But the woman would have thought I was some weird-O if I did.
Simliar...but not the same one. [Broken External Image]:Wish I had my camera phone. But the woman would have thought I was some weird-O if I did.
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