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In Memoriam 1950-2022
Sep 26, 2004
Reaction score
Pasadena, TX
After reading the story about her. I dont feel right about repost.

It was sent to me as one of few photos of ugly people.

Maybe I will post some of the other pics. In the other pics, their ugly is their own doing.

Im going to send the link about her to the person that emailed me.
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Ahh thats sad. That is the girl that has been in the news lately because she cant properly metabolize food. She has to eat like 50 times a day to get the nutrients she needs.
Eddie, are you sure that isn't the twin sister from that other thread?

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Holy cow that looks like sister! For real, she's 42 and weighs like 88lbs. I'll have to look into that metabolize food thing. Prolly don't help that she chain smokes and drinks coke all day either...
I didn't get this @ first...and still don't.

Is it terrible that my first hypothesis was that this was some weird anti-obama image?
I feel really sorry for her. She probably has no control over the way she looks. Unlike certain celebrities that go through so much cosmetic surgery that then end up looking like this (ie, joan rivers).
WOW,,it was meant as a joke. No different from other pics of ugly people pics, that other members posted in the past.

Has this become taboo on the site now? Or does it have to do with who poster is.

Never know what PC on this board is anymore. Awhile back I got into a heated argument. One of the members posted my face in donkey poo. It was ha ha ha for some members.

[Broken External Image]:
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I don't get why it was deleted.... No one said any thing towards you eddie.... No one said it was a bad or offensive pic....

Take a breath, calm down and replace the pic and title.....I personally have no problem with the pic..

Todd Z
Hey Eddie,

I don't have a problem with it either. I actually laughed the first time I saw the post, but as I looked at her more (which was tough - shes butt ugly) I started feeling pretty bad for her situation, since it is beyond her control.

The reason I brought up the messed up celebrities is because they are horribly disfigured, but its because of their own vanity and that case I say they are ripe for jokes at their expense.
I don't think she's butt ugly! I also admire her for dealing with this on a daily basis. Probably the nicest person you'd ever meet. Most likely nicer than the "pretty people" I've ever met.

Eddie, I don't think anyone was too offended. From being on here, most of us know you wouldn't do anything intentionally to offend anyone. Anytime you put something out here on the net, there is always the possibility.

Take care,

'07 ST:haveabeer:
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After reading the story about her. I dont feel right about repost.

It was sent to me as one of few photos of ugly people.

Maybe I will post some of the other pics. In the other pics, their ugly is their own doing.

Im going to send the link about her to the person that emailed me.
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We all do things we have afterthoughts about, Eddie. You did right. Leave it gone. No sweat, no offense, no problem. You're cool.:supercool::supercool:
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Yeah, I'm with Eddie. I honestly thought the original photo was a photshop job, and therefore was within taste to make fun of, simply because of that. Now that I know it's legit, I agree with the removal.

To think of how many women/girls, and even men/boys, would at first be envious of her when they hear she can eat like that and never gain a pound--until they heard the rest of the story...
Something I learned the hard way: Never make fun of things that people have no control over...they'll come back to bite you in the ass.

Now people with excessive plastic surgery...that's another thing completely.

Or people who choose to pluck or wax their eyebrows and draw them back on with a Sharpie. They're fair game.

