Why not start at your current or local bank where you have your existing home loans? Credit Unions might be competitive also. My credit union was, and closing costs were nominal, plus the NYS mortgage recording tax.
Check your current loans to be sure there is no closing cost pay back if they are not very old if you were to refinance now. That can happen if a bank absorbed most of the standard closing costs on the last loan and you decide to refinance again within a certain period of time (ie. 3 years). Basically glancing at your current loan documents fine print, to rule out there might be something like that to have to consider.
Otherwise, for rate compares on refinancing there are several sources including bankrate.com, erate.com.
Unless somebody on this forum is a mortgage broker, I'd think you'll just have to get busy making calls and inquiries, and do some homework on other things to consider (besides rate, points, closing costs). Hopefully loan to value won't be an issue, especially in today's economy. Some banks these days might not loan more than 70% LTV for a preferred rate... I use to create a spreadsheet when I was in the refinancing mode to keep the key info straight and compare.
Don't know if you noticed a few sites out there with articles on rules of thumb for refinancing, and refinancing calculators...
I wish you the best on this. Rates are definitely the lowest they have been in some time.