Removing cup holder attatchment

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J P 3

Dec 30, 2015
Reaction score
, FL
Hello all,

I have an 02 with the bag console and I am trying to come up with a way to make my front cup holders a little more efficient. I plan to do a console swap once one becomes available to me, But until then I was thinking if I removed the part of the cup holder that flips back and forth (turning it into the worlds smallest clip board or two cup holders) that my console would no longer have the top cup flying forward every time I stop.

Is there an easy way to remove that piece? I didn't want to just go prodding and pulling on the plastic and break something

thank you
My clipboard hinge was broken when I bought the truck. Using a thick foam "koozie" and it fits well.
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This is what I did in my '02. It's the larger adjustable cupholder/console available at WalMart, K-Mart, or any of the auto parts stores. I cut it off just behind the small storage pocket (cut off the cassette tape tray) and screwed it to the small storage tray under the dash.

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it pushes to the side and then you need tiny needle nose to squeeze the tab and pull. I don't remember what side is smaller thought so you have to try both sides.

Todd Z