Respect to people

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Tracn Black

Active Member
Jun 20, 2006
Reaction score
Ladies & gentlemen,

In the future, let's all try to show a little respect to the people on this site that answer questions about any issues that you may have or any of the questions you have.

Last week 2 diffrent people e-mail me with question about my 07 st grill that I installled.

I gave them prompt responses and even gave them the catalog numbers.

I did not even get a "THANK YOU" from one of them!!!!!

As I might be a little sensitive to these type of things, I still believe that if a person gives you an answer to your question, you should at least say THANK YOU.

I don't think this is to much to ask..... Do you?

is it really needed to email back a thanks when I bet they typed a thanks in advance type of thing in their first emails? Something like:

I like that grill, can I have the part number


John Doe
A fact of life is that everybody may not be as polite as you would like them to be. So if you send someone some info and don't get a "Thank you"; let it go. In the whole scheme of life it's insignificant.
you can't always expect the thank you back... I get emails all the time about some of my mods... I just help them out to the best of my ability and be on my way. As long as they are belittling or berating Im just happy to help.
Chris, let's let everyone know that I am one of the two you are talking about. I just got your e-mail this morning, and was just going to post my thanks when I come across this complaint on the site. Man, I do appreciate your help in steering me to my requested info, but you also have to give those of us with busy lives a chance to respond. Thanks again,,,,,,,,,much appreciated information, but doubt that I will ever request your help again. Sorry to have 'hurt' your feelings,,,,,,,,,:wacko:
Cubber.... no is was not you that I was talking about.... But if you don't want to ask any questions anymore, so be it.

All I'm saying is that I'm just sick & tired of the society that we live in when people can't say Thank you for all the little thing like opening a door, helping people pick up some papers they may have droped.

Mabey it's just a California thing, but it seem to be getting worse here in San Diego. People just don't have any manners anymore

Don't worry guys, I do let these thing go, but sometimes you just have to vent!!!!


Let me refrase what I said originally.

there were 7 people that e-mailed me & 2 people said "thank you"

sorry to the guys that did respond. my mind must have been still in "lollie land"

I have answered a lot of questions on this board the past two+ years, about STs and other things, and received a few "Thank You's" in the threads, and only one via email that I can remember.

But getting "Thank You's" is not the reason I try to help. I try to help because it's a nice thing to do, and because I feel better by simply helping. The best gift is one given willingly, generously and with nothing expected in return.


Over the 3 years I have been on here I must have answered over 3,000 posts or more and well over 1,000 emails...

I am willing to bet the thank you factor is about 10%.....

even when I ask something I normally don't respond with an other email...

I know I don't send a thank you email to my CC company, or large corporations i ask for information from...

Ebay works the same way...

Thats why after some one asks a question, they normally put a thank you in the question, That covers the need for a thank you later on...

Saves time, bandwidth, and saves a ton of room on the site servers...

Todd Z
I agree that it makes you feel "better" to help people out when they have a question.

Just the way I was raised by my parents. I always say thank you to someone if they open a door, answer a question ect ect.

I also know that a lot of people were not brought up like me.

I'll I'm saying is that if I have the time to ask a question and the person answering the question responds, I have the respect to say thank you.. it take less than 1 minute, and if we all go by this "moral", we would all feel better.


Yes, Chris, if we all treated one another with a little more kindness and caring on this forum we might all feel better. Might I ask how you think you have made Tyler "feel" the last few days?


You are one to talk. You aren't the only one that gets emails off list for help or questions about your Trac. I have helped many people here with anything and everything. Many have said thank you, others never said it. It doesn't matter. There is more happiness in giving then there is in recieving. Just knowing I was able to help someone is payment enough.

Respect starts with yourself. Once you respect others, others will respect you. Untill you respect others here, don't expect myself or others to respect you.

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Tom I wasnt going to go there, But thanks !!!!!

Todd Z
Ha, Chris,,,,,,thanks again. Good thing I was raised in the Midwest (IL) and not here in CA. Sorry to hear about those San Diego folks,,,,,,,same here in Fresno, if I have noticed. Now I hope I didn't piss off any other Californians,,,,geez,,,,,,,,,sorry. Let's all get along, kids!!
I see that I have opened a can of "worms"!!!!

I was just expressing how I felt we should treat other people when they spend the time to help us.

If I have offended anyone on this site, I now say that I'm sorry!!!!

With that being said, lets move on and have some fun.:):)