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michael larkin 2

Active Member
Mar 28, 2006
Reaction score
elizabethtown, KY
I went and checked on the message i posted prior about beating the chevy down and I must say that I never thought it would have caused so much Crap. I was surprised that it got 93 replys, is that a record ot something, lol. For some of you that dont know much about me, I have been a mechanic for 17 years in the Military. Over those 17 years, I have never had any of my guys get hurt in any of the stuff that we have done and yes we did some crazy sh- - I have also served in Iraq fro 14 months, diving fast is a way to survive there, and by the way, I have also lived in Germany for 8 years. You want to talk about me doing less then 60 MPH, apparetnly you have nerver been on the Autobahn, mmmmm, let me see, 100 + all the time. I am sure that you would freak the F_ _ _ out over that. I used to drive at least 125 when i was on the autobahn and I seen many cars loaded with kids, babies, the family dog doing 125+, so i am sure that TJR would have the parents sent to prison for life for dangering their children and others on the road. I do understand that it was Germany, not the USA, but why dont you start a pley to the UN to change the speedlimits to save lives. Oh yeah, dont go to TX either TJR, if you havent heard, they are changing the speed limit to 80 MPH on a lot of their HWY's , that means that people will be doing 85-90. You all have a great fathers day. And the crap about having a small lobe on the head, or what ever was said, just give me an address and I will come visit you personaly and we can discuss it in person. If you want to say smart ass things about me, say it to my face and see if you dont get cussed out or worse. Dont do it on here.


I am sure that this messege will cause so much more Crap again. Oh well

Don't let it get to you. It is just some guys playing daddy. No need to get upset. I got a biker pissed at me, and some loser without a life has the belitle everything I say. Oh well. Come to a meet and you get to meet the real members. One that care about the quality of the website. Those like Q and Chops won't be around much longer. They live a sad life and this is the only interaction they get with people.

Deuce, don't let this thing get to ya! Remember the satisfaction you got from chewing a Chevy up and disregard any negative comments posted about it.

Hadn't check back that far but 93 replies! Jeez! I'm sure there were a lot in support of your post. But, if not so what.

Opinions are just like behinds, everyone's got 'em and they expel the same stuff - a bunch of hot air!:lol:


Don't sweat it. I'm just curious if folks would say the same things if you were facing them in person versus through the anonymity of the internet. I suppose this is one of the nice things about the National, and more generally, any, meet. There are faces and histories to the names that post here.

Quite honestly, I am all for a boxing ring at Louisville 2008. But, that would require getting a handful of posters to become attendees and not lurkers behind the shadows of the submit button. It would have given spectators another choice besides the Bats baseball game (which, nonetheless, was fun - they have a great minor league stadium).

Deuce, this is an Internet message forum. You can't expect everyone to agree with what you think and do. Agree to disagree and move on with other topics.

Knock off the personal threats. Those have no place here.

I wnet to Germany this past spring, and man that was crazy, we were in a Dodge Ram and these little beaters are passing us going 120+. But, luckily we also had a Vette (which there is a sacred car to them) and we went 140+. Man that was fun. also, I didnt know texas is changing thier speed limits, that makes me happy :D.

Hey, Duece, I am all for raising the speed limit, and I am even for people driving slightly above the speed limit if that is the norm and what is expected on a given stretch of many interstates in the US where many typically drive 5 to 10 miles over the limit. Somehow a few seem to think I am some old fart who forgot how to have fun. I have no issues with fast driving...I have issues with illegal driving. You think it's think you are safe. I tell you what, just be legal, alright!

I look into the mirror each night knowing that my choices and my actions were not selfish and didn’t put anyone at risk for the sake of my pleasure and entertainment. I am not saying I am better than you, just letting you know what makes me tick.

BTW, Duece, I never said anything about a "small lobe on your head" (not that you specifically attributed that to me). I really don't call people names. I try not to be petty or mean-spirited in any way.

Have fun, but please be safe and be legal...(within limits, please).

Happy Father's day (late...I was enjoying mine with my three kids).

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You know what Michael,The ones that are bitchin about it are the same ones that have never gone over 60 percent to the floor and don't know what to do over 55 when a car pulls out.Those of us who have had some fun know what to do. So don't worry. Ron
Right, Blackhat, right. Whatever. Re-read my last post. Note how I said I have no problem with fast driving. I have been known to have a lead foot in my day. The issue here isn't driving fast...the issue is illegal racing. Please stay on topic.

You've got me there, Blackhat. But it also glamorized illegal racing (a potentially dangerous act), not simply speeding, which you and many have tried to repaint my (and others) exceptions as dealing with. Just wanted to set the record straight. Go fast if you want, just be legal, please. Leave the racing to a track.