That's the beauty of trying to fix complex systems. Invariably it is often a trial and error process.
Now, with that said, paying labor and parts cost to replace parts that may or may not be bad is somewhat hard to accept. Even harder for me to accept is being charged multiple diagnostic fees, one each time until the problem gets fixed. Essentially, I flat out REFUSE to pay diagnostic fees more than once, and I look for a break on labor whenever I need a followup like you are about to get to fix a problem.
They way I see it it takes real balls to try to get me to pay inflated costs for parts, and then pay for them to be installed WHEN that ultimately is show that it doesn't fix the problem. It is insult to injury if the service depart wants to keep doing that, along with charging repeated diags fees, until they get the problem resolved.
The last time this happened I asked the service dept manager for:
"no additional diagnostic fees to be charged, and 50% refund on all prior labor charges."
To which the service dept manager laughed out loud and said:
"We can't do that!",
I countered with:
"That's okay. I'll just park my car in the breakdown lane in front of your store, put its hood up, and put a big sign on the door that says: 'I was charged by this dealer for repairs that did not fix my car!",
I said that as I was walking away. Of course, he said "Wait a minute..." and then we made a deal.