???'s about bill HR645

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In Memoriam 1950-2022
Sep 26, 2004
Reaction score
Pasadena, TX
Who here is looked into this? Double barbed wire Camps and detention centers. Massive amounts of poly coffins and concrete gravesyards already built. Much of it contracted by Fedral connected not known compnies. Owned by Haliburton.

Very many in every state. The USA has already been broken into 10 seperatly governed sectors on planed sheets. The 10 governors are already picked.

All under the authority of Home Land Security and FEMA.

Started before OB.

If IM crazy. Why does this already exist. In such massive portions, nation wide.

I have my Ideas of why. All I will say is new world order. The rest for speculation!

Most likly Im on the list already.
Darn, and I wanted to be cremated...LOL!
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I've done some reading about it. I stopped when I decided it was something I didn't want to know any more about. That's not a common thing for me to decide.
It depends who is in the White House at the time as to who will go into these camps....
Darn, and I wanted to be cremated...LOL!


That I have seen itis not in the bill. But from some that are gatting very deep into the investigations. Rumors are some apear to have crematorioms. The Housing and the stacks are there, just like Nazi germany. They might be for epidemic from germ warfare. I believe all this might be true,but the conspirator crowd. Has a tendincy to go overboard. Post false pics.

At this point the camps are being called residential centers. To the investigators, by those that run them and the para-miltary police that patrol them.

The answer they wont give is residential centers for what and who.

One of the congressment(that sign it) that would talk about it. Played stupid until certain portions of the bill were read to him. Then he told half truths and never got to the answer.

IMO, Can you say good by Constitution/Bill of rights and due proccess.

All I hope is in that day. There will be a split in our military and they bring the goodies to our side. The American people have been so side tracked with so much. Daily life. Politcal crap and such. We havent been watching the real picture of the background.

The media doesnt report it. The reports come from common concerned citizens and conspirators. I dont listen to the conspirators they tend to add there own junk with out investigating.
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My only saving grace for sanity and preventing me from even giving thought to the conspiracies is that I do truly believe the men and women in uniform are on the side of the people and not the leaders.

What does scare me is that Obama started creating his own military group directly responding to his orders only. Why would the Commander in Chief feel that he would need a more loyal armed force? All branches are already under his command. Part of the failure to enforce immigration laws appears to be a recruitment tactic, imo. Now here I go starting conspiracies. Can't say I haven't put some thought into it, though.

I suspect that Obama has seen what has happened in Libya, Egypt and now Syria, and might be feeling a little nervous...:bwahaha:
