Save him outrun his wife!

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Gary, you are above the media vultures.

We've seen Clinton, Kennedy's, among many others. He's come clean.

It's not only about being human. More, a lifestyle we will never know.

Imagine the PGA without him.
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"He's come clean" ? He fessed up after he got caught. Why wasn't he held accountable for damaging a fire hydrant? Where I come from, that's public property. What about the tree he hit? Was that his tree ? If not, he damaged private property. Yeah, he's grown up. He just taking advantage of his celebrity status to seduce every woman dumb enough to be swayed by his high sympathy here
How about "impeding a police investigation"?

Gary, you are above the media vultures.

We've seen Clinton, Kennedy's, among many others. He's come clean.

It's not only about being human. More, a lifestyle we will never know.

Imagine the PGA without him. He never had the chance to grow up, I guess.

Not sure what you are saying here swshawaii but he's been enjoying the fruits of his spotlight for years and I do suspect his behavior has something to do with the fact that his father passed away in the recent years. Just like Mike Tyson's fall, it has to do with losing a controlling force in your life. Spiraling into a life that has NO BOUNDARIES...until now. I do not care either way for golf but Tiger Woods is awesome for the sport. He was squeaky clean on the links and as best we could tell off the links. This could have stood the test of time but he couldn't control everything in his private(s) life.

Like Michael Jackson, Elvis, Howard Hughes, Mike Tyson and others...too much money, fame and power too early, and then, no one to keep you in bounds. It's about control, he tried to control everything in his life but couldn't control his own driver!

By the's just a game that I posted. Sorry....guess I've come clean too...LOL!;)
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Did he seduce them or are they "gold diggers".

Too many women out there "fall in love" with a man because he has money. When the money is gone, so are they.

Few men are strong enough to turn down hundreds of beautiful women on a daily basis. He is still a human being. A man can only take so much.

I agree Tom.

He definately persued them and most seem to be golddiggers too IMO!

I do not believe he can stay away from golf forever (it's all he's known and is his claim to fame) and once you've been free in the candy shop, it's hard to lose a "taste for the sweets" so I think it will be really hard for him to stay away from the babes. I hope he can repair his marriage but the taste's he's become accustomed to, it may be to hard to control.

'07 ST
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I think it was Chris Rock who said the following on male infidelity:

A man is only as faithful as his options.

He went on to say that a poor, broke, ugly guy is faithful. A handsome, young, rich man, probably not so much...

The models and porn actresses, you could kind of see that. The Perkins waitress would make a freight train take a dirt road and is indicative that the man has a sex addiction problem.

Now he's "giving up golf to save his marriage". Dude, you don't have to give up golf to save your marriage, just give up sex with women you are not married to.

BTW, that game is funny as hell.
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Get off tigers butt, the sex addiction is a real medical condition, i had that at his age.

Than i got into a car accident, my right arm and wrist were shatterd, my sex life ended at that point:p

never could make the transition to the left hand, the sex was not the same:lol:
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Get off tigers butt, the sex addiction is a real medical condition, i had that at his age.

Than i got into a car accident, my right arm and wrist were shatterd, my sex life ended at that point

never could make the transition to the left hand, the sex was not the same that is funny....really funny!:lol::lol::lol:

Now he's "giving up golf to save his marriage". Dude, you don't have to give up golf to save your marriage, just give up sex with women you are not married to.

I can see where being on the road for tournaments and being a young famous stud who has all the wealth you could imagine would be a real temptation especially if you developed a wandering eye and partying habit as a young man. I can understand it but it doesn't make it right.

I think the 1st step is to get off the tour, beg for forgivness to that lovely wife and get counseling(and get rid of your cell phone and stop texting anyone). Get it right and then return to golf and only go to tounament with your wife in tow. That will be a dramatic change for Tiger and it appears to be his choice! I think the tournaments are the key since he's out on his own. Tough to break old habits IMO!

If he doesn't want the side action to stop, get divorced and hit any thing with skirt.

'07 ST
Gary ('07 ST)- Apologies to you. Pulled the trigger, before looking at your "spoof".

It is hysterically funny, truth be told. Am just disgusted with the media frenzy.

Wouldn't expect anything less, from them. Can't comment on his behavior, either.

Shocking, no. Surprised, yes. "He's only human", means nothing today.

Sorry for "jumping the gun". I'm only human. ;)
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Tiger is a creation of the media and he has benefitted from it and encouraged it! It's really none of our business except for the fact that he and his father put him out there as the golf idol that he has become. He can't have it both ways IMO! He's effed up big time...

To many public figures feel they can do whatever they want and it is OK and the world should look the other way.

'07 ST
I dunno, I travel and I don't have sex with other women. But when I was single and trying to have sex with other women, I didn't have sex then either. :(

Oh wait, I'm not a world famous billionaire.