Seattle school renames Easter eggs 'Spring Spheres'

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:angry::fire:political Correctness:toilet::soap:

WTH, this country is gone too far with P.C..

Easter Eggs have no religous meaning to just like Santa Claus has no religous meaning, it's more for the kids and it's all about commercialism (which is another thing I'm sick of) so WTH is the problem here???? Stop being a P.C. jagoff and just celebrate your holiday and we'll celebrate ours.

My wife is a Teachers Assistant at a Public City School where half of the students are the poorest ghetto kids in the city from the worst neighborhoods and the other have are all foreign kids thats parents are here on work VISA's (not paying any taxes and have the best paying jobs in the county/ state).

The foreign parents "run" the school like it's a Private school and only want the kids to learn and celebrate their religions and not celebrate Christian/ Catholic religion/ holidays. The kids at her school can't watch Disney movies because Disney is the devil to all the foreign parents.

When is America gonna wake up and take it's country back. I'm all for diversity but when it removes and takes over the liberties of our country (like wearing or flying an american flag on Cinco De Mayo: example) because it upsets the Mexican students (which aren't even legal or paying taxes).

If you don't like the way we do things here in The United States of America then stay the Hell out. If your home country is so great then WTF are you doing here in the first place????

Ya I'm ranting here. It's called "freedom of speech". Look it up and learn some damn English, it's the primarl language in this country.


Yep that's right, the word God is in there so so don't chnge it either.

[Broken External Image]:
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Was at an assembly for our school the other day, my daughter's elementary school. Parents, teachers and the whole student body were in the gymnasium that morning for a kind of "school spirit", "positive attitude" day. The principal started the day with everyone rising to say the pledge.

There was one ahole dad who simply stood there. I saw his wife grab his arm, and place it over his chest, she was p.o'ed.

She, and he, saw my gaze as this happened. She gave me this "I'm embarrased and sorry" look, to which I returned my best "hey, don't be sorry, you married the *******" look that I could muster.

Call them whatever you want, they are a celebration of Easter, which is why they call them Easter Eggs. Same with Santa. He is for many part of the CHRISTmas celebration. Try to make them secular, IMHO, is simply hypocritical. Don't like/believe in Easter and Christmas? Well then pass on the the eggs and the fat man in the suit, as they are both part of the package...not required parts mind you, but parts nonetheless.

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If you don't like the way we do things here in The United States of America then stay the Hell out.

Jerry, while I agree with you that there are many cases like this one where political correctness have gone way too far, I wholeheartedly disagree with the statement above that you made.

When people in this country see things that are a way they don't like them, they should NOT just "stay the hell out". Instead, they should do what they can to make the situation better for themselves and this country.

It's the spirit of not tolerating the unacceptable status quo, and working to improve the situation, which is at the very heart of how this country works and how it was founded. If people had taken the attitude you suggest early on in our history, they would never have revolted against the British. The saying would have been, "If you don't like the way you're taxed by the British, find another place to live!" (OK, it probably would have been, "If ye do not liketh the way..." But you get the point.) Needless to say, that would have been hogwash then, and it's still hogwash now.

You say you want America to "take its country back". That would indicate that it's currently in a state you don't care for. And if you were to follow your own advice--if you don't like the way it is, you can move the Hell out. But that's poor advice for you, just as it's poor advice for you to give to others. Instead, you, and they, should all stay, drop the attitudes, and then we all can work to make this country a better place for ALL of us.
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The kids at her school can't watch Disney movies because Disney is the devil to all the foreign parents.

Forget the PC issues at play--Why do we want kids in our schools spending time that should be spent on their education, watching Disney movies??
Bill V,

Yep, less attitude, more tolerance.

Everyone claims they are tolerant, until they find something that offends them then they tend to get all pissy and up in your face.

People are wound way too tightly these days...for no real reason. Somewhere along the way a bunch of people in this country got the idea that their thoughts, their ideas, their beliefs, and their "feel good feelings" are what is important, as if they are the center of the universe, and if anything or anyone challenges or unsettles them in any way, well, then there is hell to pay.

Bunch of crying babies.

Call the wha, wha, whaaammbuullllaaannncccceeee..

Everyone has a cause, a crusade.

Jerry Gerner said:
The foreign parents "run" the school like it's a Private school and only want the kids to learn and celebrate their religions and not celebrate Christian/ Catholic religion/ holidays.

It figures. The Leftys feel the same way too.

The kids at her school can't watch Disney movies because Disney is the devil to all the foreign parents.

Okay, there I agree with the immigrants. :bwahaha:
When people in this country see things that are a way they don't like them, they should NOT just "stay the hell out". Instead, they should do what they can to make the situation better for themselves and this country.

Bill V, I believe he was referring to non-citizens. As in, if you ain't paying for the gas, quit bitchin about the destination.
The kids at her school can't watch Disney movies because Disney is the devil to all the foreign parents.

I thought everyone already knew that those large mouse ears were there to hide the satanic horns...:grin:

Yes, I have to agree that people take political correctness way to far now days. I also agree that other cultures should be more tolerant of our American customs and traditions and not look at everything we celebrate or do as an afront to their religious beliefs or cultural background.

Les and Richard L get what I was trying to say.

I'm primarily talking about all the illegals and even the ones here on "Work Visa's" with the best jobs not paying any taxes and getting all the amenities our country has to offer.

The whole Disney thing you guys didn't get the point (Granted I think Disney has gotten too commercialized since easily the the late '60's), teh fact that just because their religion doesn't like Disney the elementary school kids can't watch them for a reward/ when their stuck in the auditorium during recess due to weather, etc.. I think is asinine. They want them to just sit there and do nothing. They've already said they'd rather have 70-90 (all together at one time) kids to sit in silence for 45 minutes then watch a Disney movie. Come on, really? Even I don't think that's fair to 4-10 year olds especailly when there's only 10-15 kids parents that want this.

I don't care if they want to celebrate their religion or holidays but when they want to make every student to learn teir religion/ holidays and not allow the American students (mainly Christain/ Catholic/ etc..) celebrate their American holidays, I call B.S..

Alot of these types of stories have been all over the news in the past couple years and are becoming more and more common. Last year Mexican students celebrated Cinco De Mayo (ok no problem) lots of Americans celebrate this holiday but when the white kids tried wearing clothes with the American flag they were either beat up, sent home and or told to turn their shirts inside out and cover them up. Last I checked that fell into the hate crime category and discrimination, the same thing they don't want done against them.

TJR said...

Everyone claims they are tolerant, until they find something that offends them then they tend to get all pissy and up in your face.

Earlier TJR said...

There was one ahole dad who simply stood there. I saw his wife grab his arm, and place it over his chest, she was p.o'ed.

She, and he, saw my gaze as this happened. She gave me this "I'm embarrased and sorry" look, to which I returned my best "hey, don't be sorry, you married the *******" look that I could muster.

Do you have any idea why this "ahole" did not place his hand over his chest? Is there a federal law that says you "have to" place your hand over your heart? Is it possible that this guy could have religous beliefs that do not pledge allegience to a country but pledge it to the his creator? Is it possible that his wife does not share the same beliefs as he does and she felt awkward because he was standing up for his faith?

You don't really know the full story, but you felt obligated to get pissy with that person and even made the comment that you gave his wife a "you married the *******" look.

I see the pot calling the kettle black. You did not agree with what this man, or you put it, did and you got pissy with him.

Funny...too funny.


I only know this because I had to research it for our company.

Title 4 United States Code:

4. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag; Manner of Delivery.

The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the

United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under

God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all., should be rendered by standing at

attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart.

So, to answer your question... Yes I would say it is a federal law to stand at attention with your hand over your heart.

Also, this is the greatest country in the world and I would agree with the fact that if you don't like this country, pick another, you'll be back. (not directed towards anyone)

thats my .02

Way to assume things...again. I never got pissy with the guy.

Not pot and kettle because I didn't get up in the guys face, I didn't get pissy with him, I didn't call my lawyer... I simply observed him ticking off his wife and making an ahole of himself (in my opinion). I gave a sympathetic look back to her when she caught my gaze.

If he didn't want to say the pledge, then by all means, that is his right... Just don't go to an assembly where it is likely to be recited. Time and place for everything, right? It seemed to me he was trying to make some stand or statement. Again, another self-involved poser with a cause, IMHO (and, yes there is my assumption.... sue me, LOL).

Oh, are wearing oversized cammo pants with a belt across your junk (pants on the ground) and a lock-blade knife on a clip in your pocket really the way for a dad to dress for an elementary school function? I think not. But, I can and did tolerate all these things. I made no scene, wrote no notes to the school. I essentially "let it all go"' but still think the guy is an ahole, as is my right.

So, in closing, had I tried to change this guy, or silence him, or get him ejected, or gotten all up in his face THEN I would have been intolerant and that would be pot and kettle stuff. But, as it stood, I simply thought to myself "what an ahole". I will be the first to say we don't need thought police.

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(like wearing or flying an american flag on Cinco De Mayo: example) because it upsets the Mexican students (which aren't even legal or paying taxes).

I don't understand why Mexicans take offense to the American flag on Cinco de Mayo--it's not like they won their independence from us. Maybe I could understand if they got upset when the Mexican-American war was covered, where we kicked their ass through the majority of their own sorry country, and then paid them to take it back. Maybe. I wonder how many of these irate Mexicans even know that they won their independence from the French on Cinco de Mayo?

She, and he, saw my gaze as this happened. She gave me this "I'm embarrased and sorry" look, to which I returned my best "hey, don't be sorry, you married the *******" look that I could muster.


Is it possible that this guy could have religous beliefs that do not pledge allegience to a country but pledge it to the his creator?

Putting your hand over your heart is just an action, it is not swearing fealty to anything. Instead of being a stick in the mud and detracting from the proceedings, he could have just put his hand there. His apparently very jealous deity will understand.

Way to assume things...again. I never got pissy with the guy.

You even said you gave them a nasty look. That isn't a type of "getting pissy"?

If he didn't want to say the pledge, then by all means, that is his right... Just don't go to an assembly where it is likely to be recited. Time and place for everything, right? It seemed to me he was trying to make some stand or statement. Again, another self-involved poser with a cause, IMHO (and, yes there is my assumption.... sue me, LOL).

You do not know the full story. So if I choose NOT to place my hand over my heart for the national anthem, I should NOT be allowed to a baseball game? Using your logic, that is what you are saying.

But, as it stood, I simply thought to myself "what an ahole".

Did you "think it" or did you really gesture it, or gesture something?

She, and he, saw my gaze as this happened. She gave me this "I'm embarrased and sorry" look, to which I returned my best "hey, don't be sorry, you married the *******" look that I could muster.


I just did a string search on this thread. The only time "nasty" was used, was by you. I didn't give them a nasty look.

I simply said that I gave a sympathetic (hey, you married the guy) look to his wife. That's all I said. Never showed any malice, never showed any negative look.

You are right, I don't know the full story. Caymen, you have shown in the past that you are not one to look at things as gray, but black and white. People get fired over breaking a rule, once, period. Well we have societal rules, norms so to speak. I feel rather black and white on this particular societal rule. This guy was at school, with kids. It wouldn't hurt him to say the pledge and set a good example. The rule is to say the pledge. Some would say that he WAS setting a good example by showing the kids that it is okay NOT to say the pledge, that it is okay to stand up for onesself. I can see and appreciate that opinion, though, for this example, I wouldn't agree with it in practice. If he wants to have such a crusade, such a cause, make such a stand, then by all means, go ahead, but there are better times and places. for that.

As for a baseball game...that's a different time and place. There are all sorts of ahole things I or my kids see at a baseball game. I can expect as a parent to have to "undo" or "explain" some of the things observed at a game to my kids. Not so at school though. Say the pledge, really simple, that's the rule. Or don't. Also really simple. If you aren't going to, well, then maybe your wife should know you are not going to and make sure that a scene isn't made, to the extent that one was (not a big one, btw, it just amused me).

As for whether I thought, or really did a gesture, well that is a good question. Whatever outward appearance and "look" I gave, I am sure it was subtle. It was all I wished to muster at that time and I probably should have added that qualifier above. The lady in an animated fashion took her husband's hand and slammed it over his chest, while sighing, and at the same time catching my eyes, giving me that "oh, this guy is a pain" look. The look I shot back was half shrug, half "oh well" (or is that the same). Either way, it was subtle, as it wasn't a huge deal to me...but it certainly was to her.

I felt then the guy was a disrepectful, poor judgment having, poor example providing excuse for a dad. Such was my opinion, I've voiced it here, not there (and not showed it there), and did not follow up with any real actions to in any way make this a crusade to stop this guy, or guys like him.

If you want to wear inappropriate garb and strap on weapons when going to elementary school, go ahead. If you want to do your little outward displays of defiance to authority while in elementary school for all impressionable kids to see, well, again, go ahead. In the meantime, if you or anyone else does these things, and causes a scene (with even at least one other this case, the guy's wife), well then don't be surprised if there are people around you that think of you, as Karl Pilkington says, as "a knob-head!"

So, in my mind, I was judgemental, assuming, and I guess you could say "intolerent" in my thoughts and opinions.

What USED to be great about this country, is that there was a time when that sort of intolerence and judgmentalism pretty much stayed in ones head, or was discussed around the water cooler (the Internet is just the virtual equivalent of that). Through informal discussions, people would kind of recognize that certain behaviors are probably not that acceptable, and that maybe its just better and easier to try to get along, act accordingly. But, today, so many seem to want to make it there personal mission to STOP the OTHER GUY, to prevent, to silence, etc, and they have TV shows, and lawyers, and special interest groups, and even the law on their side, as their weapon.

We've largely changed from a nation that would shrug and look the other way, getting on with our lives in the process, to a nation that IS confrontational and oh so "in your face", "stop that", "I can't stand that", the cameras are rolling, "this is my lawyer" group of people.

Title 4 United States Code:

4. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag; Manner of Delivery.

The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the

United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under

God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all., should be rendered by standing at

attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart.

So, to answer your question... Yes I would say it is a federal law to stand at attention with your hand over your heart.

I disagree. This says that you need to stand at attention with your hand over your heart if you participate in the pledge. But it in no way says that participation is mandatory, even if you are in a room or area where others are participating.

Basically, it's saying that if you choose not to participate in the pledge, that's fine. But if you do choose to participate, and you fail to get out of your wheelchair for it, or if your hand is more over your lung than your heart, you need to be doing hard time in Leavenworth. :)

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