I can tell you from RECENT experience that when somebody's grandmother gets sick NOTHING ELSE MATTERS.
Its true that he could have been more communicative with you, but cmon man, the guy's grandmother could potentially be in bad shape! My grandmother recently went into the hospital with fluid filling her lungs. We were scared to death all week that we'd lose her and she started making a great recovery after a few days. So, like I said, give him a break.
BESIDES, you are getting a billet grille for $50....How can you even give the guy grief at all when he's cutting you a deal like that?
Regardless, people have been blasted for airing dirty laundry on this forum board before, so don't feel like you are the first and certainly take it under consideration that this route is one that is reserved for the most dire of circumstances.:argue:
By The Way Sonny, NICE TRAC dude! Looks similar to mine when I first bought it.