So who owes me money? Go SEC!

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Jeff C

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2003
Reaction score
Auburn, AL
I seem to remember making at least a few bets on this site. I honestly don't remember who they were with, but my PayPal addy is [email protected]

Go Gators!

13-1, that one loss...WDE!
Hell of an interview with that Florida player. And they wonder why the SEC doesn't graduate players, and Florida players get in trouble either for missing a semester's worth of classes or for flunking. But, the good news is that Florida professors can expect its players to return to class sometime by February!

Nope, not an Ohio State fan, either. :)

Just wanted to add -- regardless of the above, that was a behind-the-shed whupping. Sweater-vest should be ashamed. :)
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I can't remember the ammount of the bet. I will be doing a search for that link and you will be getting your cash.

The Gators played one hell of a game and OSU must have been training with the Columbus Pee Wee football team.

Ohio was pwned no doubt about it. Not really a fan of either school but I do have some Florida friends so I was pulling for them.

Adam search on YouTube for the drunk professor at UF. its quite a laugh.
I was routing for the SEC. My UGA blood won't let me actually pull for FL, but I'm glad to see the SEC get some attention this season. Not sure what Ohio was doing, but they left something back in Columbus.

On a side note, I'm really pleased to see a DT get the Defensive Player of the Game award. Those guys in the trenches probably work the hardest of any of the players, but never get the glory.
Took 2 out of 3 from the SEC...

SEC gets one good year (last year, in the conference rankings, the SEC finished about 7th, and the Big Ten 2nd) and the Cowboy effect occurs -- out of the woodwork come the claims to fame. :) When it falls back into mediocrity, the claims disappear. :)
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One good year?:rolleyes:

Since the BCS has been in play: SEC is 9-4 in games and 3 National Championships

Add to that, Auburn got hosed when they went 13-0 and didn't get into the title game.

99: UF W Orange, UT W Fiesta (NCG)

00: BAMA L Orange, UT L Fiesta

01: UF L Sugar

02: LSU W Sugar, UF W Orange

03: UGA W Sugar

04: LSU W Sugar (NCG)

05: AUB W Sugar

06: UGA L Sugar

07: LSU W Sugar, UF W BCS (NCG)

This year, Big Ten had 7 teams, went 2-5

SEC had 9 teams, went 6-3
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I ask you with all due respect:

WTF are you talking about??? I DEFY you to find a SINGLE incident of UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA player who "got in trouble...for missing a semester's worth of classes" (and PLEASE don't bring up incidents that occurred at OTHER skools--i.e. FSU, Miami...).

DON'T be a sore LOOOOOOO-ZAH...just take your lumps like a REAL man, and congratulate the BETTER team on their overpowering domination of the fifth-best college football team in the country.

You can go on believing that the Big(we-can-only-count-to)10 has the best football teams, the SEC sucks, Michigan should have been in Glendale, Florida was lucky to win the games it did, etc., etc...


On January 8, 2007...

Final score: Florida 41, tOSU 14.

And STILL, one loss.

Congrats to the real national champion, the only team that managed to beat all challengers--Boise State.
Come on Bill, really now.

TJR, I'm assuming you watch Pro football? Their fans are so much better. You make yourself out to be such much better than us with your childish insult. Pot, meet kettle.
Come on really now what? Boise State has as much--no, make that MORE--claim to a national championship than anyone else. Unlike any other D-1 team, they beat everyone who took them on. If Florida (or anyone else) wants to take the national championship from them, there's only one place they can do that, and that's on the field. Short of that happening, nothing can take away Boise State's rightful claim to the throne.
Nope, LSU, I don't watch that much pro football either. Maybe 6 hours total a year. One of my pet peeves (and I have voiced it here before) is when people call names, throw insults and act infantile over a sport.

Mine wasn't an insult or was an accurate observation.


Most college football fans "seem to never have left grade school" is an "accurate observation", not an insult?

Which poster(s) here were you referring to?

Which post contains "people calling names, throwing insults and acting infantile over a sport"?

Edited to add:

Looking at your member library, some of the pictures you have would indicate that you yourself call names, throw insults, and act infantile.

Thanks for playing.
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now they shoul dhave to face USC or Boise State. College football, as exciting as it is to watch, has the worst post season format there is. Why not make the top 4 bowl winners face eachother and continue the post season? Are they scared? they will make a killing in ratings and commercials and also satisfy fans... I dont see the problem here...
Bill V...First, Michigan "should" have been in the Championship Game and now Boise State should be declared National Champion since they went undefeated. Well, Michigan got spanked and as good as Boise State is, they would not have been in the top 10 if they played in the SEC.

Adam...As far as Florida having players not graduating, Ohio State has a player on the field

that COULDN'T pass admissions to Florida after prep school.
as good as Boise State is, they would not have been in the top 10 if they played in the SEC.

So people say.

People also said that Florida can't compete with Ohio State.

They also said that Michigan was the second-best team in the land.

They also said that Oklahoma would walk all over weakling Boise State.

The facts remain--no one has shown that they can beat Boise State. And Florida has shown that there is at least one team better than them, by losing a game to that team.

If Florida doesn't care for that, fine. Let them play Boise State on the field. I'm quite sure that Boise State would accept the challenge. Until then, until someone beats them or the Broncos turns down a challenger, Boise State is the champ in the eyes of a large portion of this country.

LSU--Read TJR's post again, and quote him accurately. He didn't say "most", as you claimed. He said "many"--and once you change that word to accurately reflect what he said, I don't think it can be seriously argued that he's at all wrong.
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