Something Different About Our Troops

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thanks to all of those who have served and will do so. I am in great honor of your jobs. Proud is only one word that i would use.

I thought the video was very well made.

I can't help but think that most American's support and have only good thoughts, feelings, and love for our troops, and that a vocal minority and their anti-war, anti-Bush stance and even fewer with a true anti-troop stance make those that serve feel unappreciated. I think the truth is that largely that just isn't the case.

Of course, I am sure I am out of touch and could very well be wrong, having not walked in those same boots on that hot sand.

As one who supports the troops and am so grateful for their sacrifices, I still can't help but watch a video like this and feel that it is really just one big "guilt trip".

Support is like love...if you have to ask for it, if it isn't given willingly, it doesn't mean that much.

Go ahead, shoot me!

P.S. It was still a moving vid.

Having walked in their boots in 'Nam. They have my upmost respect and support. I honor them completely...May the blessings and safekeeping of God be with them...