Something from ToddZ's Wedding Thread

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Nelson Atwell

Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2003
Reaction score
Bydgoszcz, Poland
Scott brought up a point, and I thought I would share without hijacking Todd's thread.

Why don't ya'll just wait until the kids become teenagers...scott_svt

Scott - my ex-fiancee wanted us to wait until my daughter was out of the house. My daughter turned 15 last week, and we were engaged almost seven years already. We mutually gave up on it two days ago. It is too long to wait, I'm in Poland for two years, and we just got burned out on trying so hard to be engaged. We're still good friends though and we have still been talking a lot. If we're still both a lone in a few years, maybe we'll try again. She still plans to visit me so we can explore Europe next year.

In the meantime, she can see what Oklahoma has, and I can see what Poland has, if we choose. No guilt and no regrets. She is the best thing that ever happened to me, even though we may never marry. Not a bad ending, if that is what results.
LOL...of course, that was just a weak attempt at some comedy. Of course worrying about kids or no kids is a more viable and serious wedding problem/concern than worrying about scheduling your wedding around the football schedule, which happens quite frequently here in the South. I had to go through that...always fun to ask the preacher to pause for a score update or to have someone in the back relaying scores via their pocket radio/tv.
Nelson, If she really wanted to marry you she would have done so within the first 2-3 years. Wanting to wait until your daughter is out of the house is just pure crap, she is not willing to commit. I say a show on Dr. Phil that had a couple of guys that were not willing to commit, but the ladies stuck around hoping that the guys would marry them. Just some food for thought.
Sorry about the breakup, but I also wonder what else there was about you she was waiting to change. If she doesn't understand that your kid is a part of you, she just doesn't understand how things work. She needs to figure out that she will have a very different place in a man's heart than his daughter does, and those two places can support each other. She seems to think they will only fight.

With all that said, she must have been (and still is, I assume) a very special lady to interest you in spite of the problems with your daughter.:(
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Sorry to hear that Nelson, but it sounds like it ended on good terms.

Maybe there were just too many obstacles: distance, your ex, careers, daughter, etc...but then again, if its "right", then those so-called obstacles are really just challenges that bring you closer together when you overcome them and not true reasons to keep you apart.

But what the heck do I know...


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Distance, careers, daughter...they all had a part. Like was said above, it was mostly crap, and she was worth waiting for, but not forever. I have some pretty nice friends here, so it isn't too big of a deal right now.

Perhaps I'll post a new thread soon talking about the new Polish girl friend I'll meet. :)
It seems half the Polish guys in this town left when Poland joined the EU. You would not believe how many beautiful, single, college-educated and wholesome women are here and alone. Too bad almost none speak English.
I am learning more Polish every day. Today I learned the word for "relax". It is spelled something like "Spokojnej". It's easier to say than spell. :) "How you doin'." should be easy too. :lol: Maybe I'll find out how to say it tonight. Afterall it is Friday night. :)