For those that have had Nav Systems installed:: Where and what color is the speed sensor wire?? Is there one going into the factory HU in order to make the speed volume adjustment work??
If I wasn't going out of town this weekend, I'd tear my AVIC out and let you know, but I'm not going to be home. :-( The auto-sound guys spent HOURS looking for it, tapping every wire coming out of the PCM or harness running around the engine compartment. If you're still looking for it come Monday, I'll tear it out after work and try to get you an answer.
Alternatively, you can call the guys up and ask them about it. I'm sure they kept some records on where this was so they could find it again. I had it done in June. I'm still waiting for my IPOD adapter to show up since it was backordered. If you call, ask them where it is.
Thanks Pat. I knew you would eventually chime in on it. I'm hoping it is right behind the HU like it was in my '01... I'll give them a call this afternoon when I get out of work.
ok you ready for this. there is going to be a purple/orange wire in the smaller plug behind the radio. its used for your speed volume..... that is your VSS wire. or you can always pull your hair out looking for it at PCM, 50 pin plug, pin 1. The PCM (Powertrain Control Module) is on the passenger side firewall.
I had read that the puple orange one may be it, but I was looking for a second opinion. Looks like that's the one. Thanks!! Now all I need to find is the reverse light wire. Should be easier than the VSS though....
Reverse Light is brown/blue, driver kick or SJB, conn. A, pin 6. The SJB (Smart Junction Box) is part of the fuse/relay box under the driver side dash. i wouldnt recomend going to the SJB you'll know what i mean when you climb under the dash and look at it theres practically no room to access any wires there. catch it in the Drivers Kick Panel
Thanks. You just simplified my entire evening. I spent lastnight soldering the connections from the Avic harness to the crutchfield one. All I need to do tonight now is install those two wires, put in my XM/NavTraffic, and power it up! Thanks!
ok so i posted it to my library the only time you need the relay and the VT3 is if you are hooking up the vehicle illum wire to the Avic illum wire. the only thing that wont happen is it wont dim at night.
Thanks! That smaller harness isn't used for anything more then that, right?? I just had the base audio system in there and wondered what that smaller connector was for. Do you have the PAC steering wheel adaptor for control?? I already have the bypass circuit done and soldered into the harness. I need to call PAC to see exactly what wire I need. It said that I need to connect a white wire to one in the car harness, but then says that pin 19 (blue/white) needs to be grounded?? Your wiring looks good there. Makes me want to go and redo my wiring that I just did lastnight...
Connect the INTERFACE's White wire to...18 Gray/Yellow
Cut the purple loop then connect a 100 ohm resistor to the second purple wire, cap off the first(outside edge)purple wire. Connect other end of resistor to the white wire. The white wire also connects to pin 18 in the car. Connect pin 19 Blue/White wire to ground. The INTERFACE has to be programmed for version # 9[Broken External Image]:
I have that part--PAC told me to actually use a 100 ohm resistor instead of the 1k ones that are supplied. Did you e-mail them to ask about the resistor too?? I just wondered if the grey/yellow and blue white wires were on the main (24 pin connector) or the smaller connector that has the VSS in it. Do I need to cut the blue/white wire and ground it somewhere?? I see that there is a good grounding point in the upper right area of the HU location. In fact I will use that vice sending the ground through the harness into the car wiring..
i work side by side with PAC, I work for Peripheral Electronics. you will needto take the blue white wire and chasis ground (to be sure of no interferance and then you will want to tap into the grey/yellow wire. they are in the main 24 pin harness. you can ground the piece anywhere but i would suggest taking it directly to ground as the SWC interfaces are very sensitive. in my above statement it says to use a 100 ohm resistor.
Sweet. Thanks! I want ot go install it now, but it is 96 and humid out there.... It is even hot in my garage... I'll wait until later I guess. Thanks a lot!!
Hmmm, if you are still checking this--that VSS wire did not work for me.. I'll pull it back out tomorrow to check it, but it just bounces between 0 and 1 when sitting still... I'll have to double check the connection in the AM before we go on a trip...