Star Wars Episode IV (unedited Theatrical version) Relased Today

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I saw Episode IV in 1977, and if I remember correctly, Jabba the Hut wasn't shown on screen until Episode VI. Did I miss something?
Yes, this is the day "Hell Freezes Over" in the Lucas universe (he said he would NEVER release the original versions on DVD).

And, EricP is right. The footage that was added to Episode IV for Jabba the Hutt wasn't in the original theatrical version. It was cut, supposedly because Lucas didn't like the way the Jabba character looked...he was a big fat human in a fur coat. That footage was used for the special edition and a computer-generated Jabba placed over the human actor.

Ep IV is worth getting JUST to have a version where "Han shoots first" (referring to shooting Greedo in the cantina).

The rest of the updates to each film are much more subtle, IMHO.

Also, before buying any of these newly released movies please consider the following:

Each is a two disc set, with the original theatrical release on disc 2. However, the original theatrical release version comes in a letterboxed 4:3 NON-anamorphic version.

So, if you already have a boxed set of the Special Edition versions on DVD, and maybe the original versions of the films on VHS from way-back, this new version isn't that much better looking, or sounding than what you already have on VHS.

I just wish Lucas had taken the time to release the originals in a better least in anamorphic widescreen.