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TJR hit the nail on the head:

The disconnect that you and I have is that you seem to think that by me admitting that it is also an admission that I would feel safer, in general, in an SUV.I wouldn't and I don't.

and again:

And that is my point... There may be SAFER, there may be BETTER, but there is no truly SAFE, and for many situations that people think of (the worst-case scenarios) it really doesn't make that much of a difference in what is important.

Everything is sutuational and it does not matter what size vehicle you are driving you can still be killed or severely injured in any car accident. The attitude that an SUV is invicable and a Scion iQ is a coffin with wheels is totally irrational.

Just like the Titanic which was reputed to be unsinkable...If an auto manufacturer could make the safest vehicle in the world, they would not, and could not guarantee that you would neither be either killed or injured in that vehicle.

If you end up dead or maimed, does it really matter if you were driving an SUV or a Scion, or an 18 wheeler?

The attitude that an SUV is invicable and a Scion iQ is a coffin with wheels is totally irrational.

I never said that.

If you end up dead or maimed, does it really matter if you were driving an SUV or a Scion, or an 18 wheeler?

It kinda matters. I'd rather not be caught dead driving a Scion.:bwahaha:

I never said that.

I never claimed that you said that?.....Reread my statement...I said "The attitude that an SUV is invicable and a Scion iQ is a coffin with wheels is totally irrational." Which is what you are what you are implying in everything you have said from your first statement that "They would be scraping the driver off the airbags"

It kinda matters. I'd rather not be caught dead driving a Scion.

Now that one was good...:bwahaha:

"They would be scraping the driver off the airbags"

I never said that either. Not gonna scroll through to find out who did, but it definitely was not me.

I don't think a compact car is a death trap. In all probability, you will be just fine. I would just like a bit more metal around me. I'm all for as many airbags as can be fit into a vehicle as well, if they improve safety. If they can fit 10 airbags in a small car, why not 20 in an SUV? If cars become balloons upon impact, fine by me.

I certainly don't want to roll around in a car the size of a balloon though, especially knowing that there are bowling balls rolling around the same area.

You are correct. You were not the one who made the statement about "Scraping you off the 10 air bags", It was Steve M. Sorry I attributed that statement to you.

And I certainly respect your opinion and your wanting to drive a larger vehicle.

Oddly enough there was an accident on the news yesterday evening where some guy lost control of his Explorer (unknown model year) hit a concrete barrier and flipped the vehicle. Of course he was not wearing a seatbelt and died on the scene.

So that's why I said that they cannot build any vehicle that is 100% safe, and the biggest threat to safety is the "Nut behind the wheel".

I appreciate your input on the subject of vehicle safety.

Did we just have a civil discussion? I almost forgot what that was like. Much more fun and interesting than the character assassination that has become common. Thanks guys.

The iQ is still ugly, though. Last word, I win!:cheeky::grin:
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You and I see things quite the same way, often. It seems as if we are both critical thinkers who tend to take what people say specifically, and precisely.

Glad to see I am not the only one like me. Now, my wife on the other hand, she should probably never meet you. She thinks that one of me is enough.


I never said the iQ was a good looking car??? I thought all of those cars were ugly...So I win by default :grin:

That was just my last point, not necessarily a counterpoint to anything you said. And by having the last word, I won. But then it unexpectedly went into overtime...

So, here's my opinion beyond the safety (or perceived safety as we concluded) of little cars. They're all too ugly to drive. The closest one to my tastes would probably be the Fiesta, if I had to choose. I liked the old Escorts. The Cooper is acceptable, but still kinda uninspiring (I do like the beachcomber concept). But this wave of micro-cars is producing some of the laziest designs and just plain ugly vehicles. A lot of these vehicles look to me like miniature Pontiac Aztecs as they try to squeeze crossovers into tiny cars.:throwup:

Anybody ever go to car shows? Anybody ever see that one guy that shows up with the Isetta? He's usually in the far back right of the lot. Isn't that a really strange guy? His mustache is pretty amazing and I can't believe those glasses have lasted so long, but that is a weird dude. Don't be that guy. Nobody there looks at the car beyond curiosity and pity. He is beaming with pride, though. If you are that guy, keep the faith! We do actually love having you around.
And let me be clear, this is why I won't buy any of these. Their existence and volume of sales tells me that my tastes in body style is what is out of style. I get that.

But there have been periods where cars were generally ugly. Take the 80s for example...

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