Stupid 10% ethanol

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Gavin Allan

Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2004
Reaction score
Jefferson City, MO
Yesterday I found a gas station that has premium with no ethanol, so I filled up my bike with it. WHOA HO!! I cannot believe how much better it runs!!! Like a scared rabbit, and idles smoothly even when cool! :banana:

Fricken ethanol... :fire:
I never have understood the reason for ethanol as an additive. I have been told it was to reduce the dependence on foreign oil by replacing 10% of gasoline with ethanol, a home grown fuel. But most people realize at least a 10% reduction in mpg while using it, so of what value is it?

I never have understood the reason for ethanol as an additive. I have been told it was to reduce the dependence on foreign oil by replacing 10% of gasoline with ethanol, a home grown fuel.

That's pure horse squeeze. The only reason it's Federally mandated is that that ethanol can't compete on its own merit against more cost-effective products (i.e. gasoline) in the free market. So the farm lobby got the Federal gov't to subsidize the ethanol/farm industry using yours and my tax dollars.

We have billions of barrels of "home-grown" fuel under the ground in the Bakken Formation out west and in ANWR, not to mention off our coasts in waters much more shallow waters than where the now sunken Deepwater Horizon rig was drilling; yet the Feds won't let us drill for it.:angry:
Up here in NY, they add it as an oxygenate to provide oxygen in the fuel to enhance more complete combustion, especially in the winter months. It cuts down on the carbon monoxide produced also... The best part is that there basically is no need to put dry-gas in the vehicles anymore.... The bad side is the the MPG goes down... filling up in Canada, for example, will get me 2 more MPG compared with NY gas...

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