Stupid Friends and Venting

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Woppy V

Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2006
Reaction score
Williamsburg, VA
Saturday night I went out for a night on the town with two good friends of mine. At one of our many stops we ran into a guy passing out shots of Everclear. I know this stuff all to well from past experiences but apparently one of my guys did not. Since I wasn't playing babysitter I didn't witness how many shots he took. Long story short -- On the ride home he lost his stomach. ALL OVER MY CLOTH BACKSEATS! ARGH! :angry: Today is Easter. No place is open and I don't have a steam cleaner. I have rubbed, scrubbed, water, soap, etc... but Nothing gets the smell out or the color of this junk. I AM HYPER TICKED! Unless you all know a trick my friend is forking the $ to have this professionally cleaned to my standards. But what a mess! :angry::angry::angry::angry::angry: Thats my Vent! Thanks for checkin in!
Better off just letting his pucking but pay and have it professionally cleaned..

I have seen too many seats ruined by the on the shelf cleaners...

Todd Z
lol sucks man. lol thats why if im ever the DD, i leave the drunkies in the bed of the truck. id wait and get it professionally cleaned as well.
At least the weather is cool. Imagine the stench if it was a 90+ degree day yesterday. Had a fraternity brother spill a Grolsch beer (unknown at the time) in my brand new '94 Mustang GT one summer night. Two days later after consecutive 100 degree days, it left quite the hellacious smell that took two weeks to get rid of...and that wasw with leather seats. I feel your pain and you should be lucky he wasn't drinking something more nasty like Jaegermeister.
I think we all have or will experienced this at least once while we grow up. Meaning we might have a few too many or a friend has a few too many. Too bad you did not get any warning to pull over . . . Get it professionally cleaned . . . .

Well, at least he was drinking Everclear and not Sloe Gin or Blackberry Brandy!!!

Try the stain and odor remover first. Blot and scrub inwards toward the stain

with a clean 100% cotton cloth. After this, the "friend" should see that you have

tried everything you can to remove the stain, and should offer to have it cleaned.

If not, ask him to. I've been on both ends, so to speak, of a stain like that. In my

day, the dude who owned the car just called the next morning and said, "Dude,

you hurled in my car", and it was understood that that was your cue to head over

and start scrubbin'!

Hope it works out O.K...:)
What Mike said works. I use the Bissel pet odor and stain remover with my Bissel "little green" machine. It's around $70.
Okay.... I am Uber Ticked!! Just went to get the Trac steamed and cleaned. And now any visible stains have been removed. But when the seats dried the SMELL lingers on... I say linger to lightly... IT OVERWHELMS!! Argh... Looks this is gonna be one of those "if u want the job done right u gotta do it urself" tasks. :angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:

Those of us with kids know about puking in a car.

It happens, but usually it smells like regurged Happy Meal, not regurged Everclear and Buffalo wings.

Good luck with that. As for "making your friends pay", if you were officially DD, then I think such comes with the territory.

Isn't drinking great fun?

You may actually have to remove the seat, seat cover material, and thoroughly

wash the foam beneath the cover material. Steam cleaning only works to a depth

of about 1/4 of an inch. The "Hurled Material(s)" can soak in much deeper. That

is what you are experiencing now, I believe!:wacko: