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Mike Ioco

Active Member
Aug 12, 2001
Reaction score
Clinton Township, MI
Witnessed today in Michigan:

[Broken External Image]:

Hard to read from the camera phone, but it reads,





**** The last time I said that on this board it brought a lot of crybabys out hot at me. But that is also how I feel %#@% jap crap. Bill
It's job protection for under-achievers, plain and simple.

If American cars were truly competitive you wouldn't have to shame the American public into buying them.


Yup. You are right. The engine was made in Germany and the Tranny was made in France.

It happens to be an American company that owns those plants and the profits make their way back to the USA.

On the contrary, the Toyota assembled in the USA deoes provide jobs, but the profit goes back to Japan.

It happens to be an American company that owns those plants and the profits make their way back to the USA.

On the contrary, the Toyota assembled in the USA deoes provide jobs, but the profit goes back to Japan.

Bingo! American companies exponentially employee more people than foreign car companies. The money that those employees put back into the economy is what makes it sing.

It's job protection for under-achievers, plain and simple.

If American cars were truly competitive you wouldn't have to shame the American public into buying them.

Seriously? This might be the dumbest thing I've ever read on the internet. You should be deported!
On the contrary, the Toyota assembled in the USA deoes provide jobs, but the profit goes back to Japan.

And those profits are being re-invested back here in the USA, building more assembly plants and employing more Americans.
Aaaand they're taking away not only automotive jobs, but jobs all over the place from businesses directly and indirectly related to american automakers and their employees.
Unfortunately, the unions have ended up being their own worst enemy. In the early days, there may have been justification for the unions. However, as time went on, the union power and greed took over the auto manufacturers. For years, the unions were the tail that wagged the dog. Here we are today with jobs being lost and the Big Three in deep trouble. The legacy of the unions now is the reason why where we are seeing the troubles today. Domestic vehicle prices are proported to be at least $2000 more than their foreign competitors because the cost input added for the cost of union related expenses of the auto manufacturers. Not all of the blame for the current state of the Big Three can be placed at the feet of the unions, however a large percentage can be.

I stumbled upon an article that sums a lot of the ills up and basically says that the average union person is not to blame because they knew no better.

However, being a sheep is no excuse in my opinion. You need to have some awareness and accountability for your actions. Where this all will go, who knows. Regardless, it means we will all pay for it in some way...either through increased Big Three vehicle prices or through the US government bailing out the pension plans for the unions.
Yet the guy is driving a dodge, those profits go to Germany. Way to make a statement.

From Tom T's link

More than three-quarters of the parts in Dodge's new Nitro SUV, which is assembled in Toledo, Ohio, are American or Canadian. But the profits go to Germany because Dodge is part of DaimlerChrysler

Stylin' said:

Seriously? This might be the dumbest thing I've ever read on the internet. You should be deported!

Oh, deported? Why?

And how exactly is that the DUMBEST thing you ever heard on the Internet?

Let me say it again using different words.

A truly great individual, group, organization, company, or nation DOES NOT need protectionism in order to be great. A truly great entity doesn't need to SHAME others into supporting them with their dollar. No, instead, a truly great entity produces truly great, compelling products and services that others want, nay, that others DEMAND above all the competition.

It's the under-achievers and those that can't compete that whine and complain and use such forms of protectionism to shame people into patronizing them. It's welfare in the form of patriotism and it makes me sick.

If anything it is boneheads that blindingly wave their "BUY AMERICAN" flags and placard their cars with similar bumper stickers that should be deported. They breed complacency and low expectations and contribute to the downfall of this great nation. If you all really want to help, then display a bumper sticker that says:

"Give me reasons to buy NOTHING but American!"

If that's STUPID or UNAMERICAN then please explain to me how so!

You are correct, Gavin...

I will not work for a company or business for $5.00 an hour with no benefits while the owners of said company are on their Yachts sitting off the beach somewhere lighting

their Cuban cigars with $100 bills, their Maids and Servants and On-Board Physicians

at their beckon call!

Now where is the greed in that?

PROUD U.A.W. Member, Local 1853, Spring Hill, Tennessee.;)
TJR, who is doing the shaming though? Are the automakers doing that? I haven't witnessed that at all here in Metro Detroit. And we're the ones hurting the most from this. My reaction was that if Joe Blow American is encouraging everyone to buy American, how is that shaming?

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