Telling a colleague they smell...

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When boarding the plane from Atlanta to Philadelphia tonight I noticed a really bad smell from what I thought was the person directly ahead of me. It ended up being someone two people in front of me in the boarding line, and this lady smelled up the whole line and trail to and into the plane.

Of course, since I guess my karma is weak, my seat was RIGHT next to hers. She had window, me center, a young girl next to me aisle. I literally gagged several times during the 1.5 hour flight.

The stench was a combination of bad B.O. and what seemed like bad a$$ crack (bad for a human, about right for a mule). I have never smelled a person so bad.

All the people around us were talking about it. I had to put my hand over my face, like trying to cup my head in my hand to sleep, but actually I was breathing through my cupped hand.

The plane was empty seats.

The attendants gave me looks of sympathy. They caught a whiff of her when she boarded the plane.

I think the lady was Jamaican or something. Maybe she had been traveling for like 20 days without bathing.

I actually considered making a "stink" about it, not with the lady, but with the flight attendants. Yes, she is responsible for the way she smells, but the airlines is responsible for putting me in that situation.

I did nothing. Am home now and going to take a shower to get her stink off me.


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