I saw a lot of what you saw in the debate. At first, both were interupting each other then later, Romney stopped interrupting, but Obama kept interrupting Romney....That should have been stopped. I also thought the moderator was leaning a bit in favor of Obama, and it appears that other news media noticed that too.
That type of a debate forum is hard to control and requires more control. I would suggest that if the candidate is given 2 minutes to respond, or to rebut the other candidate's statements, the candidates microphone should only be on when they speaking time begins and cut off at 2 minutes with a loud buzzer...no exceptions. While the moderator is speaking, neither candidates microphone should be on, and After the buzzer sounds the moderator should simply move on to the next question. I think it would be good if the moderator could cut off the microphone if the candidates answer is not related to the topic of the question that was asked. I saw both candidate dance around some questions and shift their answers to points they wanted to make even though that was not the focus of the original question.
I know it sounds a bit childish to have to treat adults like that, but I think both behaved rather badly and especially the President.
I did like it when Obama started to interrupt Romney and Mitt stop him in mid-sentence with: "That was not a question, it was a statement!" and Obama was speechless and just sat back down.