Johnny O
Well-Known Member
The sound you hear is me being ass-raped by the Ford dealer. Had an appointment to look at the tranny before I went on vacation but they didn't get to it that day. Also about that time it was hit in the rear, not badly but enough to bend the bumper cover which in turn scratched the tailgate when I opened it. Take it to dealer's body shop when I got back from FL (they do nice work) and said when you get done take it over to service for the tranny and might as well get a state inspection done while it's there (due end of Sept). So far we are $169 for a "transmission diagnosis" and $139 to clean the MAF because of that (unsaid: #@%$^&!) K&N filter you put in which messed up the signal for the shifting. I'm willing to give their way a shot because people bitch about what I charge too. I will attempt to lay back and enjoy it. FRANKIE SAY RELAX.