There going to pay me . . .

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the new design or old one?

I'm sure you will voice op's for all of us! :)

give em heck Rodger! give them my number too, I have something to say to them :lol:
Way to go Rodger.

We have a local focus study and consumer opinion survey company near us. These things usually run hot and cold. We don't get called for months, then all of a sudden, wham. Or kids get called more. Our 10yo son just made $50 taste testing yogurts.

They have a 10 night long trial of gum going on and it pays $250, for 1 hour per night, 5 nights a week for two weeks. My wife passed on that one...just too big a commitment. Besides, she is "dependently" wealthy (she depends on me for her wealth). :D
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If Ford would just pay more attention to this site they would get all the answers they need.
Cool deal if they do, Just watch the personal Info they ask for, and Nothing like that EVER happens to me, I am a firm believer in if it feels to good to be true, Than IT IS!!!

Todd Z
Yes, be suspicious, but focus group and consumer opinion research firms abound all over the place; typically found in a mall (those annoying people with clipboards asking "mind if I ask you a few questions?").

A few ways to weed out the legit ones:

- Ask where their office, ask for a daytime number you can call them back; use either or both pieces of information to check up on them.

- Ask if you can take the survey at their office

- If they ONLY do phone surveys AND need personal information (like SSN, names of banks you use, etc), then tell them you don't give that type of information out over the phone. If they push it hangup.

The legit versions of these companies have offices and do most of their business out of their offices.

If you haven't been approached by legit versions of these companies in the past, well maybe you live in an area of the country where people's opinions don't count! ;)
Hmmm... I got something similar to that last year. Was hoping to get chosen since it had a sub-heading that had the Sport Trac listed, so i'm thinking that I would have some real input into what the good and bad of it was, but they never got back with me. Maybe they didn't like it that I had a few issues with it so they only wanted positive feedback instead of something negative. I wasn't blasting anything, just speaking and checking where the quality issues were. Oh well....:huh:
That happened to one of the members back about 6 months after this site started. She was paid to answer questions regarding her Sport Trac from a group of 4 or 5 market research people. She was paid $125 and also given a bag of freebies like you might get at an auto-show or trade show. Things like key-rings, paper weights, pens, coffe mugs, etc.

Fill us in on the details when your done and let us know what they asked, and what you got.
