This Can't Be a Good Thing

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Nelson Atwell

Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2003
Reaction score
Bydgoszcz, Poland
This article discusses the North Korean nuclear test, and the axis of evil. The comment towards the end, "Are we better of now than we were four years ago?" has a pretty scary answer IMO. :unsure:
Are we better off -- well let's see

Iraq -- The brutal murderous dictator that was in place is on trial for the crimes he committed and will hopefully get what he deserves. While the post war has not gone well (in my humble opinion, because we didn't send enough troops in the first place), I'm happier to see him in leg irons than in office.

Iran & North Korea -- These are both bad, but consider what a President Gore or President Kerry would have done, besides cower in the corner. They may have sent a harshly worded letter to Iran & North Korea. That'll fix 'em. Instead of sanctions, they would probably give them money if the "promised not to do it again" as Clinton did (I like Bill, but he was such a pansy when it come to national security). Why is it, by the way, that the world was so pissed about the US going into Iraq unilaterally (more or less), but when it comes to Iran & North Korea, they want the US to have Bi-laterial talks with them.

I can't wait to see what people will slam me with.

but consider what a President Gore or President Kerry would have done, besides cower in the corner. They may have sent a harshly worded letter to Iran & North Korea.

Oh no! Not the harshly worded letter!

"Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries! I fart in your general direction! Now go away or I shall taunt you again."

Dear Korea,

I am strenuously forgainst this decision, and opposingly approve of most of its implications, in its abbreviated entirety.


John Kerry

Where the #|_|@% is Osama?

Wasting time much? I think so...........

We wage a war against a dude who had 10 years of UN sanctions against him and had absolutely no capacity whatsoever to conduct a test like NK did this week. Yet we are there. Makes perfect sense!

Huh...Osama is not there either...imagine that....

am i better off?

well lets see,

no more marriage penalty tax,higher personal deductions,higher child tax deductions which equals more money in my pocket which equals my house is recently paid off, my wife drives a 05 ford Escape AWD,i drive a 01 Sport Trac 4x4 and i owe less than 10K on each of them

my stocks and 401k plans are doing excellent and i have money in the bank.

i feel safer than i did 5 years ago because we have a no nonsense president and administration that doesn't stand by and let the UN cowtow to scumbag dictators and

doesnt pay a country to "not have a nuclear program" which they worked on secretly anyway

probably with the money that the clinton administration paid them out of our tax dollars to not have that nuclear program.<--- did that come out right?

so am "I personally better off" i would have to say yes

you know people didnt like the way Regan did things at the time either but in the long run it all paid off
Hey, I'm better off than four years ago. Back then I owned a Chevy Corsica, now I have an '04 Sport Trac. Fours years ago was single and now married almost a year...definitely better off in that department. Daughter had my first grandchild; income is higher; bought a new house; life now and in the forseeable looks great. Yep, I'm better off; much better.
Just more of the old Libtard rant party line at the end of the article, that's all.

Broken record, yada yada yada.

Not scary or surprised IMO.

**edited b/c I used a double negative, -2 points.

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I spent a very long year of my life on the border of North Korea with the 2nd Infantry Divsion and I can absolutely tell you the North Koreans are crazy as hell, willing to fight to the last man/woman/child, and most likely to start World War III. Sanctions aren't going to work because they're willing to starve to death rather than get with the program. Military action is not going to work because they have the fifth largest army in the world and are crazy enough to start setting off nuclear weapons anywhere and everywhere including their own country if they are invaded. The capitol of South Korea is just 30 miles from the North Korean border and the North Koreans have over 600,000 soldiers massed on the border on a regular basis. They figure they can sweep across the border and get to Seoul the first day of the war and they are right. The only American military unit between North Korea and Seoul is the 20,000 soldiers of the 2nd Infantry Division. Where I come from...they call that "bait". Be very glad there is an ocean separating us. Be even gladder they have not perfected their ICBM missile delivery systems because they really do want to make us glow in the dark. It's not about getting rid of their system like the downfall of Communism in Russia. It's not about getting rid of one guy like Saddam Hussein. It's not about them having a different religion. Their entire nation has serious issues with us and they're willing to kill you to prove it. They don't care whether you're a Democrat or a Republican and they don't care who's running the show in America so all the complaining about "Bush this or Clinton that", doesn't mean jack to these people. They don't watch the World Series of Poker and bluffing doesn't mean shit to them. When they decide to play, they are "all in". In short, they don't play well with other boys and girls. We either have to leave them alone or fight them to the death. If you wonder who you should be laying awake in bed at night and worrying's not Russia or China or Iran or Bin's North Korea.
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I would say I am much better off now. Four years ago I lived in a three bedroom one bathroom home. Now I live in a Six bedroom 3 and 1/2 bath home with my first Sport Trac giving up my Chevy S10. I am also enjoying my "new to me" Bass Boat.

I'm glad that the front line of the war is not being fought on American soil.

Freedom is not Free.

I'm much worse off than I was four years ago. Then I had several large houses, a car collection, valuable art and antiques, and a ton of money in the bank. Thanks to Bush, I've lost everything and ended up homeless and in jail. Also both my sons were killed in the Iraq war.


Saddam Hussein
T.J. is right on the $$$, my brother was overthere for 2 years and the North Koreans worried him, they don't place the same value on life that we do and after 50+ years of indoctrination by the hardline Communist gov't that kim Song and his son Kim Jung is the best thing since sliced bread. All the aid we send over there immediately goes to the military and the power elite, and the people starve. But they think the rest of the world is the same way.

Y'all have a good one

Some people are conveniently forgetting that John Kerry bravely served in combat, while George Bush got a National Guard gig which for he barely showed..... as far as todays phantom prosperity, it's partially maintained by selling mountains of debt to China, growing the national debt faster than ever before and ignoring it. If we Americans were actually called upon to support the war effort in a meaningful way, such as raising taxes in parallel with our war spending, conserving fuel and instituting a draft to relieve overextended and exhausted soldiers, the wars would be over in months and all of this chest thumping bumper sticker patriotism would look pretty damn hollow.
I think that it is great that Kerry served in combat,I wish more of our leaders would do the same. that wasn't my beef. What tore me up was what he did AFTER he came back. the winter soldier hearings,(the one that stated that all soldiers were killers and rapist, ete,ete. back then it was politically trendy to run down the military and he did in spades. That was the problem that I had with Kerry*sides the flipflopping*

Y'all have a good one

Bob[Broken External Image]:
The Koreans have been cooperating increasingly and working towards reunification. I seriously doubt this will come about in Kim Jung Il's lifetime, because of his erratic behavior, but eventually it will happen. Hopefully the joining will be a peaceful one.

As was mentioned above, Seoul is a city of 12 Million and lies very close to the DMZ. If North Korea wanted to do so, they could kill a good portion of the South Korean population with a single nuke.

I hope this is the only time/place I will ever be face-to-face with North Koreans.

[Broken External Image]:

The DMZ and North Korean Soldiers
Some people are conveniently forgetting that John Kerry bravely served in combat,

its funny that you say this when he still has not signed the relase of his medical records

which would put to rest the rumors that he wounded himself for his first purple heart,

that the second one was from splintering wood also that his commanding officer

refused to put him in for it so he did it himself.

if he has nothing to hide then why not release them or is there another presidential run in his future?