This will be wonderfull, the war tax

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Bill Barber

Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2003
Reaction score
San Jose, CA
one trillion to date, two wars, Irag and Afganisthan, (we will never win because this country has not the balls to do so, reality is they both could end in a matter of hours)

so that being said, prepare yourselves for the 2 trillion war tax in the next few yrs, than maybe 3 trillion in the next 10 yrs.

we as tax payers are getting screwed fighting wars that we are not commited to win, this country has not won a war in 63 yrs, why do we persist in going to wars? without the intention of winning? why do we allow hundreds of thousands of young men to die and be maimed, for nothing?

sorry for the rant, rant over.
In a nutshell...Polical Correctness.

In WWII Germany was carpet bombed BIG TIME!

If a church was hit accidentally...oh well

If a school was accidentally blown to bits...oh well

Today we do selective target, and if the enemy hides their missle launcher in a mosque behind a school we can only take it out by surgical strike w/o collateral damage. Do we put the innocent in hams way? No but it is politically correct to not destroy a mosque or school at all cost.

In WWII they were the enemy... all of them, and we were there to defeat them. Today they are the victims and we are there to "save" the insurgents. Which is impossible because they don't want to be saved.

I say pull out, with a warning. We will not retaliate commensurat with the attack.

If you take out our plane, we will take out your airport.

If you take out our building, we will take out your city.

But unfortunately our grandfathers have the bollocks to do the job. We have become too concerned with world opinion.

As a veteran, I agree completely. We are fighting wars to keep certain companies in business and our congressmen and senators millionaires. They are all political wars, and with absolutley no commitment to WIN them!
It took Bush 8 years to spend a trillion on the war, it's taken Obama less than 10 months to spend almost the same on 'economic relief'. Face it, it doesn't matter which party, or how it's spent, we're gonna get screwed one way or another. It's just a matter of the records they want to set doing it.

America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.

Abraham Lincoln

imo, just get out as terrorists will always exist and we just have to try to prevent future attacks.

no more deaths of our brothers & sisters in the armed forces. :(
re: This will be wonderfull, the war tax by Larry Hampton,11/28/2009 17:53 ET

It took Bush 8 years to spend a trillion on the war, it's taken Obama less than 10 months to spend almost the same on 'economic relief'. Face it, it doesn't matter which party, or how it's spent, we're gonna get screwed one way or another. It's just a matter of the records they want to set doing it.

America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.

Abraham Lincoln

As a life long Republican & ex Navy Tomcat Driver, I have to admit,

As Vincent LaGuardia Gambini said...

"Look, it's either me or them. You're gettin' screwed, (PG word), one way or the other."

I would rather have a trillion spent on us than have a trillon dollar wasted & enormous military sacrafices on our part...for them!
In 3 yrs we will have another chance, vote libertarian, close our borders, deport all the illegals. End the wars we have no intention of winning.

Nuke iran and N.Koreas nuke plants, send those useless countrys back to the stone age.

tell the saudis to pound sand up there azz, this continant has more crude oil than they have by far, tell the greens, sorry folks, we need to be self sufficiant, you don't like it, move, to china.

America has gotten of the track IMO
What about the "war on Poverty" LBJ started when he was president?

We can't even win that one....and that has cost the taxpayers alot more than all the other wars combined.....
Hate to tell you Bill but Napolitano (or whatever the heck her name is) has made statements indicating this administrations intentions are to pass an Amnesty bill in 2010. I see them trying this as a way, with our socialist healthcare and getting all the illegals amnesty, so they can vote with this administration in the 2010 and 2012 elections. I have no problem with immigration but I do with general amnesty. All the mexicans and all the Al Quaeda that are here can be citizens...great!

We need to drill for more oil in this country to give us a source of fuel while we set up more alternative energy and (I can't belive I'm saying this) nuclear power plants. Bill you're right we are far off track IMO too!

I believe we're headed for something resembling the old Jericho TV series or worse!

'07 ST:)
Bill Barber for were born here weren't you?!?:lol:

Wait a minute, there is already presidence for that question isn't there?!?:p
believe this country in the next few yrs will have a major cival war, with separation of states.

The feds as we know them today, cannot in any way take care of the populace in total.

will I think be every state for themselves.

California (my state) controls the entire world, Kali dies, as it is doing so, everything in the entire world, will crash and burn.
Bill Barber said:
California (my state) controls the entire world, Kali dies, as it is doing so, everything in the entire world, will crash and burn.

That's funny right there.

The definition of delusions of grandeur, at the state level (IMHO).

It took Bush 8 years to spend a trillion on the war, it's taken Obama less than 10 months to spend almost the same on 'economic relief'.

Very true. They can call it a War Tax and blame it on the war, but really it is to pay for all the bailouts to the bankers and insurance executives. Also, we had to buy GM and Chrysler and pay for all their high-doller executives. That stuff ain't cheap.
We all need to give the govt as much of our money as they need. Obama will take care of your food and house, don't worry about it.
What about the "war on Poverty" LBJ started when he was president?

We can't even win that one....and that has cost the taxpayers alot more than all the other wars combined.....

Not to mention the "war on drugs". That's been real successful hasn't it? Now we are about to get hit with the "war on health care".