TJR, within 10 miles of where i Live, Kali has, NASA, Sun Micro, Intel, Hewlett packard, Google, Stanford univ., the largest shipping ports in the world that recieves 90 % of the imports from the pacific rim.
NASA exists everywhere. There's a NASA branch right near me just north of DC. The country can survive without a branch, especially if it is one of lesser fame like CAs....
Intel gets many of its chips from its outsourced plant in Costa Rica. Loosing it's CA office won't kill it. Maybe it would give AMD a chance to actually get back in the game though.
As for the pacific imports, what ever would we do without cheap low-quality Chinese goods? I know wal-mart will hurt. I'd say that we could use use Mexicans to make our cheap goods, but most of them are already here...particularly in CA.
Which leads me to this:
Is also projected that in 20 yrs, kali will have the population density of manhatten
Yes, it will be packed with illegals and other undesirables. Even over here on the East Coast we've heard of the Exodus of those who can migrate out of CA doing so because it is a sinking ship...which leaves you in the future with largely just the dregs of society....many of which will be illegal. Have fun. Practique su Espanol para vivir en eso futuro.
So the next time you buy a head of lettuce, perhaps some almonds, an avocado,
Fruit is nice and all, but meat and grain are FAR superior, and they come from America's Breadbasket, which CA isn't part of.
Also, the settled East Coast survived for
centuries without CA, I'm sure we can keep on without it
Where did you get the following?:
your state [PA] is one of the poorest in the nation.
When in fact:
Pennsylvania's 2008 total gross state product (GSP) of $553.3 billion, ranks the state 6th in the nation. If Pennsylvania were an independent country, its economy would rank as the 18th largest in the world. On a per-capita basis, Pennsylvania's per-capita GSP of $35,641 ranks 26th among the 50 states.
California is #1 on GDP, yes. But PA is 6th. That's hardly "one of the poorest".
BTW, PA makes steel. That metal that supports our modern life. Even cavemen could pick fruit off of trees.
I seem to recall that the East Coast
made the United States. We will survive.
Ya'll can take your crappy governments and green-loving, progress-halting hippies and break off of the continent, and we'll Still be fine. Just let me know when you're leaving, so I can buy up land in the Nevada desert