Tonneau Cover Locks

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Rod V

Jun 22, 2010
Reaction score
Sterling, IL
Newbee needs help! Bought my '01 ST 2 weeks ago. Got a factory bed cover with hardware for $100 and a 3 hour drive to the middle of no where.

Here is my problem . . . the LOCKS! I have no key. The guy I bought it from didn't have a key. Everything seems to work but the key.

Is there a way to disconnect the lock cylinders from the cables without destroying the cables? I have found new cylinders at O'Reilly's Auto Parts. But can't seem to be able to figure out how to discconnect these things.

And thanks guys for the help on finding the code to my door key pad.
Check under the projects link. There are a bunch of different "fixes" for that problem. I plan on using one to take care of my problem cover.
I'll state my findings here once again. I feel the cable/lock cylinder marriage is a one time thing. Once pulled apart (pull or pry the plastic housing straight up and off), they will not reliably stay together again. Pulling them apart seems to bend and break the tabs holding them together. Short of finding the exact place to drill a hole and using dental picks, I know of no good way. Some say they get them to stay fast. Mine, not so good! Was ok though, needed new cable assembly. Units should be keyed alike, so if one cable assembly looks bad, pull that one.
I had the same problem. Very easy fix. Just call your local locksmith. They can rekey the locks to your key no problem. Cost me like $40.00 to get both of them done. Plus you have the security of no one getting in there. Took the locksmith like 20 minutes.