No problem. I have towed the following vehicles with a tow dolly.
1998 Pontiac Grand Am GT from St. louis, MO to Akron, Ohio
1996 Escort GT around town.
1998 Explorer about 25 miles
19XX Econoline van about 35 miles
1991 Escort GT from Lexington, KY to Akron, Ohio (Actually it was the wifes Explorer as the tow vehicle)
I know it has been more, I just can't remember.
Here are some pointers. Do not tow the vehicle backwards. Front wheels are designed to be in the front of a vehicle and not the back. If you do to it using a tow dolly, place the front wheels on the dolly and then disconnect the drive shaft from the differential. (Make sure you mark the location of the shaft in relation to the differential flange) This will tow much better and safer. Trust me on this.
Be careful and feel it out before you get out on the open road. Make sure the dolly has brakes. If they are electric brakes, like mine has, make sure you get a controller installed in the truck. The Trac's brakes do stop the load pretty well, but if some a-hole pulls out in front of you and you have to slam on the brakes, you will be in a world of hurt.
Better safe than sorry.