Toyota Engine Recall

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Lexus: "Dash panel may become dislodged and fall from the lower dash area causing interference with either the accelerator pedal, brake pedal, or both, causing loss of control for the driver"...

Toyota: "Steering shaft connector may bind or become dislodged from the input on the

steering rack, causing a sudden loss of vehicle control. One death in Japan has been reported for this particuliar condition, as of yet no reports of death or injury in the United States, although

several vehicles sold here (Toyota RAV-4, among one of them) share the same common

part, therefore the recall will also be initiated in the States, as well".

Shall I go on? I can get the TSB's and Recall info site, in case any of you Die Hard

Asian fans dispute their ability to falter, as humans, as well as us "Good 'Ole Redneck Boys"

puttin' together them thar' Satrins' and them thar' Silvyradoes!;)
Darin, GaryS, hey I'm okay with your opinions and comparisons, and of course, Gary, if your job calls for such a fleet of dependable cars to do the job with little or no maintenance, you may have a valid point. I'm just not sold that most imports are far superior to domestics that's all. No war is looming here and the debate will always be here as far as quality and reliability is concerned, I just don't look to imports as being the Godsend to the world of automobiles. Perhaps the domestic auto union members are all accustomed to getting huge pensions and payoffs and health benefits long after the fact, but that was the way that it started long ago. I wouldn't bust unions or bad mouth them, they have done wonderful things for the American workers overall, so they are needed in most cases. I know people will spend their money where they please, and rightfully so, but now that we are inundated with all facets of foreign parts and ingredients in our daily lives, we can in reality, bash some of these "imports" that are "Made In America." Thanks for allowing me to speak for me, and it is healthy to have a difference of opinion! Thanks. :D :cool:
My personal experience which includes 4 Honda cars, 2 Nissan's, one Infinity, One Mini, and three Fords indicates the Japanese cars are no better than US cars. No worse either. In my opinion nearly all cars made today are far superior in overall quality than they were in the past. If you look at the number of failures per car, there is very little difference in the top ten or fifteen brands. There all doing a much better job. I feel the quality revolution was led by the Japanese manufacturers, but that the others have learned and are now building comparably great cars. I do think the US vehicles, trucks and SUVs, have a bit more robust engineering though.
I'm going to buy what fits my needs. I don't care who makes it. (Although I probably wouldn't ever buy a Chrysler product). That's why I bought the Trac. It was the perfect vehicle for me. Not to large, not to small. My wife and I recently bought a Toyota RAV4 because it fit our needs perfectly. Roomy, fast, good gas mileage, good handling.

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