EddieS'04 In Memoriam 1950-2022 Joined Sep 26, 2004 Messages 17,726 Reaction score 270 Location Pasadena, TX Aug 8, 2010 #1 Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e57' String or binary data would be truncated. /shared/msgboard9e.asp, line 383
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e57' String or binary data would be truncated. /shared/msgboard9e.asp, line 383
L LaRue Medlin In Memoriam 1955-2017 Joined Sep 28, 2000 Messages 3,084 Reaction score 4 Location Sumter, SC Aug 8, 2010 #2 it means something didn't work...:bwahaha: sorry Eddie