Twisted Sister Christmas

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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2006
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I just saw something that made me kinda sick and also laugh hysterically. Anyone else catch Twisted Sister singing O' Come All Ye Faithful on the tonight show. While anyone can get in the spirit of the season and sign Holiday songs their is something about a ugly guy wearing make-up and screaming the song that just isn't right. Everytime the camera cut to the lead singer screaming the song and flailing around I couldn't help but laugh. All kinds of singers and bands end up doing Christmas albums but theirs is certainly one that will not be on my Christmas list. They may have been good in their day and I'm sure they have a fan base still today but come on a Christmas Album.
Thanks for the heads up! I'll be watching for Dee Snider & the boys doing their take of a holiday song...

And I will take it, after watching the history of metal on VH1 Classics the other night. I was watching Dee take on the PMRC and that bitch, Tipper Gore and her wimpy arse husband, Al. And they wonder why Al didn't win the election...

Maybe Dee's responsible for global warming??? LOL
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Have you actually listened to the songs? I actually like them; nice change from the elevator-ish music that I usually associate with Christmas.
We seen the video on VH1 on the program called "Metal Mania". The video is absolutely hilarious! Typical Twisted Sister style video. It is a must see.

Theresa went out and purchased the CD. If you grew up around metal music, it is a must have CD.

My Cubical-mate has been listening to the Twisted Christmas album at work. A couple of songs are OK, but the rest pretty much suck.

I guess they needed some new material for their USO shows. Twisted Sister and Quiet Riot made visits to Korea while I was there. I'm not a big fan, but any group that goes out to entertain the troops is OK in my book. I was happier when the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders came to visit. :)
I too, liked Twisted Sister in the 80's, but when I read the title of this post I thought it was referring to this article I had just read on :eek:
LOL. I'm having flashbacks of the eightys. Twisted Christmas is the greatest christmas cd ever!
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I've never had any experience with their music other than a few infomercials about compilations when I was half asleep and didn't want to move to change the channel. :lol:

I also have no idea about their history as I was still young when they were popular. However, I did listen to a lot of similar bands in early high school years just not them. So I was only basing my comment on the single performance I saw on Leno and I thought it was terrible. Its fine to mix it up a little and do different takes and styles on some Christmas songs but to me they absolutely butchered that one. I guess people will buy it so why not make it. I will not buy the TS cd but if I find someone I know who has it I will, just for the heck of it, give it a listen to see if I like their take on some of the other songs.

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