Union Members, Please Explain This One

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Seems to me that nothing was lost. They still get their 8 paid holidays. They just one day moved and called something else. Since over half of their staff is of that religion, Why not assist them, it is their right. Nothing was lost for the Non muslim folks that work there. They will just consider that day off as their Labor day.

Sounds simple enough and still accomadates everyone. Believe me those other folks that are non muslim don't care as long as they get their day off too. :)

It is odd though that it's a Union deal and just happens to be a Labor holiday

That is the humor of it all :)

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I don't see any problem with that. If the majority of the employees were Muslim and the company and Union agreed to switch holidays, who am I to say it's wrong.

If you think about it, A few of the national holidays are based on Christian religious events, but there are no Federal holidays given to Jewish holidays, or anyother religion for that matter.

I have worked for companies that don't give holidays for Memorial day, but do give Good Friday, or sometimes a floating-Holiday.

The company I work for now just last year closed down from December 21st through Jan 2nd. This was for several reasons. Most people wanted some time off during the holidays, and it was tough to let people go and still have enought people to continue the construction projects, so they decided to just close the place down. Exempt employees where paid, and hourly employees had to take vaation if they wanted to be paid. Nobody complained and the company saved a lot of money without getting behind in their construction contracts.


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