United Parcel what?

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Well-Known Member
May 24, 2006
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Several days ago UPS left three packages on my front porch. Only two of them were mine. The next day I called UPS and after being put on hold for five minutes I told them their driver had left a package for someone else at my house. They said they would have it picked up and all I had to do was leave it on the porch. It has been out there for three days and I have seen their trucks in my neighborhood everyday since I put it out there. Its from LL Bean and I assume it is someone's Xmas gift. Since there was a phone number on the shipping label and the address was in the area I called and the rightful owner came and picked it up today. He said when he checked the tracking number it has been "out for delivery" since Tuesday. "Tis the season... :sad:
Teamsters' Union: making sure deficient UPS drivers can keep their jobs for as long as they pay dues. The same fine, upstanding fellows who last year wanted their workers with the Red Cross to strike after Sandy hit. :throwup:

Thanks for doing UPS' job for them with the package. :supercool:
Gavin, two things, I guess I came from a generation that has something called a conscience and although I have no idea what was in that package I would like to think it was a gift for one of that fellow's kids. Yeah, he would probably have been able to eventually receive a replacement from LL Bean but probably not in time for Christmas.

KL, ask not what UPS can do for you, but what you can do for UPS.:banghead: :grin:
I just had a recent incident with UPS. I order a Christmas Gift for a friend that UPS indicated on their tracking sight that it was supposed to arrive on Friday. It was shipped on 12/14 from Los Angeles, CA and I had been following the tracking. The package was heading to the UPS center in Mesquite, TX. On 12/18 UPS Tracking shows that Mesquite, TX indicates the package was held at the original location and just departed Los Angeles on 12/18 ??? So today is 12/21 and my package still only shows that it departed Los Angeles on 12/18 and they no longer show an estimated delivery date?

Ever since the employees bought out UPS back in the late 1990's the company has gone down hill and service is a joke.

I was suposed to have a package today, fed-ex. That is what there site said. When it didnt show. I tracked it again. Now it shows N/A, whatever that means...
Ever since the employees bought out UPS back in the late 1990's the company has gone down hill and service is a joke.

The employees didn't buy out UPS, the company went public for the first time in over 100 years. it is now the public stock holders who want more earnings and don't care how its done. So now instead of service we have run and throw or be brought in the office for not going fast enough.

Teamsters' Union: making sure deficient UPS drivers can keep their jobs for as long as they pay dues.

As for this statement how can you pick on entire organization for a few bad apples?

I have been a UPS Teamster for 29 years and gladly pay my dues. in exchange for my dues and for busting my ass. i receive the best health care possible, the highest pay rate of any trucking company ever. job security,a pension of $4100 a month plus a 401k, and health care during retirement. all this from a company that makes 6-7 billion dollars a year. i am not burden to a tax payer,i have never been laid off. the harder i and my fellow drivers and part timers work the more the company makes and the more i can earn.plus the stock i own will go up.

our part time workers make between 10-12 a hour with full benefits.

And yes there are a few bad drivers and management has ways to remove them from the company but they don't.and its not because of the Teamsters.

don't think we earn what we make..come sign up as a helper for Christmas..

Now for non Teamsters like say Wal-mart... Profits in the 10-13 billion dollar range.

Very minimal health care paid for by employees, minimum wage or just above hourly rate

mostly part-time work. employees who just don't give a shit. employees who have to collect welfare and food stamps to make ends meet.

while the top owners pocket the big bucks

And i do apologize to the few people whose packages we screw up. this time of year our volume doubles from 17 million a day to 30 million a day..and with the temp help we hire things do get screwed up on occasion.
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Whatever...they are just excuses for bad service. The service is terrible and not only during the holidays. It does not matter to the consumer how many millions of packages that get delivered on time...they are only concerned about their package getting there on time.

When I first started my LeverLift Company (2001), I sent out my first batch of kits via UPS and nine out of ten of the first orders shipped where screwed up. The packages were either lost, or the where ripped open and parts lost??

Within 2 weeks I switched to USPS Priority Mail service and never had another problem. People received their orders within 2-3 days, and a few got their order the next day. Only one delayed delivery and that was just after Christmas...an order took 10 days to arrive?

Considering I mailed about 1000 packages via USPS Priority Mail and only had one late delivery is hard to beat...and the Post Office is much cheaper than UPS, and they deliver on Saturdays too.

I never use UPS if I can avoid it. Unfortunately, you often cannot choose the delivery service used by online vendors.

There's a UPS hub in my town. Their window hours suck. They're open only from 7AM to 8 AM and 5PM to 6PM. My last shipment via UPS was a pair of leather shoes. They hid the package behind a shrub and I didn't see it for three days. In the meantime, it got drenched in the rain.

I ship everything by Priority Mail using USPS. On the receiving end, I just got a Priority Mail shipment from Tennessee to Wisconsin in one day.
I've been happy with all of my UPS shipments the past few years. Our driver knows me by name and the service has been great.

You just confirmed that I am not alone in my opinion of UPS, and that it is not just a local issue here.

Our local UPS center has the same crappy hours. and of course, when everyone is crammed into such a small period of time you have to stand in line for the entire hour they are open, and they will close the door in your face when 6PM hits.


USPS is alright for domestic stuff IME, though I have had some issues with the mail delivery people. USPS has the worst package tracking system I've seen and they're abhorrent for international deliveries IME.

UPS was used to ship me something from South Korea and it arrived in 2 days from being picked up by UPS. Humorously, it was only one day "on the record" due to the date line crossing. If we had only had those "logistics" in the 1950s there might not be 2 Koreas today...

With my online buying, the shipper is almost always either UPS or Amazon.com's sketchy "local delivery company". I prefer to have UPS dropping off my boxes than some casually-dressed dude in what the kids these days call a "creeper van".

BTW, some of the complaints herein about non-union WalMart are very applicable to UPS, a company that the Teamsters have in a stranglehold. UPS' propaganda about "we spend $40/hr per employee on healthcare" when they were only paying their sort facility workers 10 dollars an hour-and that only after 90 days of working there-never failed to crack me up. Maybe I'm just too American for this day and age, but I'd rather have 50 bucks an hour and have to buy my own health care. :grin:
My last FedEx order came promptly and without an issue (from GA). My previous FedEx order (from VA) couldn't be delivered as FedEx "couldn't find the address" and they made me go to a semi-local FedEx store to pick it up.

For me, FedEx is better when it comes to having to pick up packages from them when they aren't delivered as FedEx has actual stores and has its local distribution center located in a civilized suburban industrial park. While I've never had to pick up a UPS order, I did have the "fun" of going into the bowels of Baltimore with a friend to get his order that UPS withheld. UPS didn't give the option of dropping it off at one of their many area stores that aren't located in urban wastelands.
I don't understand the fuss. Some of the delays have been weather related. Things happen. I get packages from UPS, FEDX, and USPS. They all arrive in a reasonable time frame. When I ship I avoid USPS because of the long lines and the impersonal service. I generally ship FEDX because of they have a store near me. One thing to note is that I have a problem mailing letters in the Phoenix metro area because of the lack of USPS blue mail boxes. If I wish to send a letter it's a couple mile round trip to find a drop box. Never had that problem when I lived in Washington State. So from my perspective, relax it's Christmas. Dave

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