Update........Medical opinion

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Good Morning Everyone,

I have recently learned that the Cancer has spread to my lymph nodes and adjoining tissue, My only option is a Radical Prostatectomy followed by External Radiation. I am scheduled for surgery on June 11th at 1100h. I am told my prognosis is fair. If things do not go well I have asked my wife, Patti to come on here and let you know.

I am continuing the fight and will try to stay positive.

Thank you all for your friendship and support. I am unaccustomed to leaning on others.

Good to know your status and that treatment is scheduled. Sounds like you made a good informed choice. You will be out of action from the surgery for about three days, then up and around slowly for a week. You will have no adverse effect from the radiation. It only takes 10 min a treatment.

Your psa may jump around for a couple of years. A whole bunch of new people will want to prob you. They will suck your blood dry. Worst case if they don't get it all you still have a few follow up options. Nothing you are going to get with these treatments is going to have any effect on your ability to type or drive so we won't be hearing from Patti.

The best advise I have is "Never ever pass up the chance to piss".



It appears that Redfish has been there, done that, and even has the T-shirt..:grin:

It's aways good to hear from somebody who has gone through all that before, and I applaud Redfish for being so helpful to not only you but many others who might be facing a similar situation.

Best of luck an I'm sure you have the situation under control and everything will work out just fine. Keep us posted on your progress when you feel up to writing.


Good luck Gerry!

Just curious--and this is coming from someone who is not the least familiar with this condition or treatment, so I'm only asking to learn...

Is there a reason your surgery isn't until June? It would seem that for something like this, you and they would want to go after it a bit more quickly/aggressively, rather than giving it more time to spread further. Why the nearly four-month wait?
Bill V

I will let Gerry tell you his situation as all are a little different.

From what I know unless it is one of the very aggressive prostate cancers, which are rare, time is on your side. They have drugs that pretty well stop the cancer growth, unfortunately they are short term (2 year) effective. In my case I was given those drugs, then drugs that greatly reduce the size of the prostate making it easier to treat. One has many choices in the type of treatment they may choose and "watch and wait" is one of those. Additionally, if you are treating multiple problems the prostate cancer would most likely take second priority over the others.

Bill V,

It would not be fair for me to say my surgery is postponed until June. In actual fact I am on hormone injections and Bicalutamide. The hormone injections are reduce the size of the prostate which is 2 1/2 times the size it should be. Reducing the size will make more room for the surgeon to work and more likely to have a successful outcome. The Bicalutamide is a testosterone blocker which will help slow the cancer growth until he gets in and gets it out.

While my cancer is migrating we agreed that the best chance to not be incontinent or worse was to wait and reduce the size.

If I do nothing and "aggressively watch" as it is termed here at least. I could expect to be gone in 12 to 18 months.

I hope that helps with your questions.

Gerry Mac


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